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You realize that Minnie obviously likes Ringa enough to want to help her. The unfortunate caveat is that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s smart enough to listen to the trader's suggestion of getting help from the rest of the town.

You find yourself along for the ride with Minnie who immediately rushes to the Powder Ganger skulking in an old house at the edge of the road. Minnie was barreling you straight for her without a gun in hand.

The bite from Squiggy apparently had proved to be enough of an insult for Jolene to go round up her posse. The first thing you see is a group of 5-7 women waiting for you.

“Don’t do this!” you curse, wishing more than anything for a chance to take over. If Minnie would just relinquish control, you could sneak up and get the drop on them or at least ask any of the townspeople for help. Hell, even Minnie’s adorable stupidity could be used to convince them.

But no, she chose to march right up and expose yourself to the group like a big dumb target. You stand there with your hands on your hips, Minnie adopting some sort of authoritarian pose and waggling a finger at them.

“Now listen here!” she starts confidently.

In response one of the Gangers throws a canister at your feet, prompting you to tell Minnie to take cover somewhere.

She’s too slow, but the canister doesn’t explode like you expect it to. Instead it releases a violent hiss and a rush of gas floats into the air around you.

Minnie, the big idiot that she is, has you taking a deep breath in. The toxins permeate your body fast, leaving you to fall unconscious. The last thing you register is the back of your diaper growing and the front of your vault suit getting extremely tight…

What happened next…

Few had realized the ramifications of NCRCF’s practices until their takeover of the town of Goodsprings. Within a day they were in complete control and it was because of the NCR's choices.

Giving prisoners dynamite to build a railroad had given them the opportunity to overthrow the guards and take over the facility. Keeping large amounts of experimental bovinification gas on hand to punish prisoners and keep their food supply steady gave them a new weapon to take over the wasteland with.

Some of the smarter Powder Gangers had realized it was possible to bottle that gas, turning it into a cowifying smoke bomb.

That’s exactly what Jolene Cobb and her gang had shown up to town with and what Minnie had breathed in so foolishly. Once you were taken care of they moved onto the whole town, converting everyone.

The Powder Gangers had prepared, transferring cattle pens, diapers, milkers, and cow headbands from the correctional facility back to Goodsprings. Even before Jolene had started her assault they were ready to set up.

Each person exposed to the gas lost any mental capacity they may have had, becoming dumber than a brahmin in seconds. The formula promoted two things; lactation and fecal expulsion. Whatever energy and brain power they had went to making their chests grow and the milk flow endlessly. The rest was pushed into the seat of their pants.

Anybody who didn’t need diapers before certainly did now and they all became hypermessers just like you. Even walking proved to mentally straining, relegating them to crawling around on their hands and knees.

Besides the invading gang, only you and Doc Michelle were left to see this. The Doc however was more of a hostage, tending to the gang's medical needs along with keeping the new cattle healthy. She was only spared due to her medical training.

Funnily enough, Minnie was the only reason you remained conscious.

Whatever it was in your shared biology that kept you separate made it so her intelligence was dulled by the gas, not yours. It did however make it so you couldn’t take control anymore as well. You were left as even more of a prisoner in your own body than before.

It also made you miss Minnie’s childish babbling because her constant mooing made for even less thrilling conversation than before.

Each new bovine girl was fitted with cow horns and a cow print diaper, meant especially to hold weeks’ worth of hypermess. The padding was a scientific wonder, growing to the size of a bighorner before they’d need to be removed and the contents used for fertilizer.

Within a day the cattle pens were up and a regiment of thrice daily milkings kept heavy tits from growing overly full. By the next week, all of the Powder Gangers moved into the town, taking up residence around the growing economy of hypershitting dairy cows.

Your days very quickly became a monotony only spaced out by the stimulation provided by messing yourself or being milked.

Trapped as you were, you still felt every beat of your body’s responses. The shiver sent up your spine when a huge turd spread your sphincter wide or the tingle of your nipples spraying milk into the automated milking cups was disturbingly arousing.

Slowly you actually found yourself relishing these activities, waiting for them to come and provide respite from the boredom. It was better than nothing after all.

After two weeks the town becomes its own hub of commerce. The word spreads between the less-than-virtuous elements of the wasteland that if you need a gun or a hearty glass of milk, Goodsprings is the way to go.

The town grows over time, with the Powder Gangers adding to the cattle ranch in the back of the saloon. Any NCR soldier or prospector who comes through is converted, which helps the gang controlling the town to keep up with the growing demand for breast milk.

New houses are built, the Saloon’s ranch addition is expanded to keep up with the added cattle, and more businesses besides the general store and the bar itself are built.

An unexpected side effect of the gas becomes apparent to the gang members turned human cow farmers. The concoction makes those exposed to it uncontrollably horny, something they see daily in the cattle climbing on top of each other and humping for hours on end.

You too experience this, a hot rush that sits in you all day and night—the need to cum, but the feeling that no matter how many times it happens it won’t be enough. Minnie proves to be especially ravenous because more often than not she’s on top of another cow, mooing violently till the both of you are collapsed as a sweaty milky mess.

Seeing another business opportunity the town’s new leadership decides to use it to their advantage, especially with the amount of traffic they got.

Funnily enough, Minnie’s intervention turned Goodsprings into a thriving town. It would never have become such otherwise, but it was at the cost of a lot of innocent people’s freedom

Back to Present Day…

While you may have been spared from the gas’s mind-dulling effects, every day you spend in the pen you can feel yourself getting dumber. Before you in the feeding trough is a mixture of mega oats and your own milk, both designed to keep up with the massive amount of calories you burn on a daily basis.

Minnie scarfs it down like normal, soaking your face in the slurry. Months ago you probably would have cringed but you were used to it now. You can feel her hunger, being a diapered dairy cow was more demanding than anyone really knew.

The meal disappears quickly and apparently just in time because from the door of the stable you watch as two new clients come in. Instantly the burning starts, and your body’s need to get off is overtaking even the idea of rational thought.

You hope they pick you today.

The customers peruse the cattle, skipping over any already in use. Eventually one comes to stand in front of you, seemingly enamored. “What in the god damn?”

A flash of recognition runs through your mind, the checkered skirt and suit jacket should have been a dead giveaway but the voice is what does it for you. Immediately you’re brought back to the woman who shot you in the head.

“Bunny!” you think vindictively.

“Well this is a surprise, but I’d say a welcome one, eh? Didn’t think I’d see this cutie again, especially not diapered like this after she gave me such a cold shoulder!”

Lots of thoughts for retorts come to mind but only confused moos leave your lips.

“Well I paid my entrance fee, and it looked like I got a little bonus. Ring-a-ding-ding baby!”

The woman hooks her thumbs into her garish skirt, forcing it and the panties beneath down suddenly. Being on your hands and knees as you are means you’re immediately face to face with a massive futa cock and it springs up with excitement.

Whatever vulgar hate you have for the woman quickly leaves your head at the sight because the burning is back and you can’t tell whether it’s Minnie’s animalistic mind that wants to wrap your shared lips around the head or yours.

Either way, your neck extends forward, ready to take the length of the shaft.

“Whoa whoa whoa.” Bunny says, bending down and taking your treat out of your line of sight. “I paid for the full experience so hold one while I get you set up. Her hands were doing something out of sight, you were so focused on the tip of her dick that you don't realize what it was until the milkers suctioned to your nipples, each drawing slow pulls of milk from your breasts.

Bunny stood again, this time not stopping you when you moved to swallow her cock.

Your tongue moved up and down while you were drained of milk, a diaper bigger than you crinkling loudly against a rough hay floor.

The use of cows as personal oral sluts was something else you cringed at months back but very quickly it became another favorite activity. As was anything that broke up the monotony. Customers picked their desired cow while they were lined up and presented whatever they had.

Quickly the cattle took to servicing them, fiercely twirling their tongues between labial folds and around perked clits or taking whatever cock they could. In a way, they often did a little milking of their own.

Next to you, Sunny had her face shoved in the snatch of Jolene. The woman who’d taken the town got the pleasure of picking her favorite heifer to call her own when they figured out they could be used as diaper sluts.

The barn is filled with a dissonant buzz of moans, machine’s whirring, moos, and flatulence, the various functions of Goodspring’s cows creating a lewd orchestra.

Meanwhile, the length of Bunny’s shaft slid over your tongue, making its way to the back of your throat with a vengeance. Minnie wasn’t disappointing either, bobbing your head back and forth so she could make ample use of your throat.

Your whole body tingles, filled with lustful electricity that is making you cry mentally for orgasm. You just wanted that release. Having your throat fucked brought you close, and the milking was getting you closer but it isn’t enough.

Just in time your abdomen cramps and a rupterous fart precedes a violent hypermess that tents out the back of your absolutely packed diaper.

You seize before breaking into powerful spasms. The heat piling into the back of your diaper is enough to send your hips bucking as an orgasm rocks your body. The stimulation nearly overwhelms you, the pull from milk ducts on your nipples combining with your body’s violent voiding and the feeling of your mouth being used.

Whatever is left of your mind goes stark white when you feel a similar spasm in your throat and Bunny explodes in your mouth, pouring her thick cum directly into your stomach.

Bunny pulls her cock from your mouth and pants, obviously satisfied.

“Wonder what it’ll cost to take this bitch back to the Tops. I think I have a new favorite toy.”

“Moo” you think.

It’s all that’s left of your vocabulary.

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