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What a month! While October hasn't exactly been stellar for me, things are still coming along nicely and I am excited to bring us ever closer to Update 9! The art machine has been started and I've several commissions out with a few left to go! Once I lock those down and finish up the final Bonus Dungeon, I will have a date for everyone for the update! Honestly, I  might let this sit in Early Access for a while longer than most, just to incentivize support here because...


There are only TWO DAYS left to go! 

Honestly, I don't think it's going to happen unless a mysterious benefactor wants to cover the nearly 5k support by themselves. I was surprised that it even got through the approval process, so to see it get at least some support is pretty nice. It's a shame that the turnout wasn't higher considering just how much effort and money goes into a free game, but that's how these things go. I suppose KS wasn't the right choice considering how people are also having issues with their very limited payment options.

Anything could happen, but between my own promotion and trying to get some VTubers on board, it seems like it just wasn't meant to happen. Lustfall will continue regardless, but we are looking at a winter 2023/2024 for Update 9 and 2024/2025 for the final update in that case. Unless the rental market crashes and cost of living gets far cheaper, or I see a huge increase of support here, it's just too costly to work on Lustfall as much as I want to in order to get it out fast!

Trance Trickhouse - Bonus Dungeon

The Trance Trickhouse has been completed! That's one of the two Bonus Dungeons ready for the Update 9 release! I've used some tricks and scripts I've acquired from working on The Capture Games in order to spice things up with some real time fun! The rooms should be relatively simple... if you can avoid the GREED! None of the treasure chests in these one-time rooms have anything "missable," so don't worry if you can't grab all of the goodies.

Soul Cage

The next bonus dungeon is the Soul Cage and with it, you will test your possession prowess! The trick for each floor is to make your way to that floor's prison warden and hit the switch to unlock the stairs to the next floor.

Getting caught by the warden will caused you to become possessed and lock yourself up in punishing gear! The only way to prevent that? You have to already be possessed by one of the prisoners wanting out! With that, you'll be immune to the warden's own possession and be able to take them down!

You can ignore the alien eggs and the purple crystal. They're placeholders for the events I need to create. Since I have to focus mostly on Hanaja's Body 2 for now, I set aside a little time over the weekend to work on this dungeon and I don't want to forget what I had planned for each floor in the meantime.

That's it for Lustfall news! If by some chance I get that last minute funding for the Kickstarter, I'll shift to this completely. If not, expect business as usual. Thank you all again for your support, I am looking forward to getting Update 9 to you soon!

Stay safe and stay KINKY~



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