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TV just popped over the weekend, on top of a lot of other stuff going on in real life, so I'm not in a fantastic mood. I don't suppose anyone would want to sub to the replacement TV fund? Just need a few hundo for the replacement. T.T

On the bright side, they told me on the phone today that I get to keep my health insurance, so that should be one less major stressor right now.

The Lustfall Kickstarter needs your support! 

We had a huge start, and we need to have a huge finish! Since I'll be spamming this one final week, I'll put up a classic poll to see how the opinion of the characters have shifted since Update 8! I didn't really feel like doing anything special this week, but I can't let my sour mood bring everyone else down, now can I.

Lustfall Best Girl ward 2023

Who is the best Lustfall girl? A simple yet complex question to be debated throughout the ages. Has the general consensus shifted since Cherri's big reveal? Only YOU can decide.


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