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Lustfall is now on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lustfall/lustfall-the-climax

We have 30 days to try and get enough funding to finish Lustfall and give it the ending it deserves! I go into details on the page itself, so go and give it a read. I also touched on some of the same talking points over on an itchio blog as well: https://subsupreme.itch.io/lustfall/devlog/610244/huge-news-lustfall-on-kickstarter-finishing-the-game-in-one-final-push

TLDR: Get a burst of funding to finish Lustfall by the end of this year. Stretch goal for a special edition of the game that reworks the combat completely.




i would love to support this but i don't even have a credit card and paying with my normal bank card or paypal won't work :(


Please don't feel bad, your support here has been wonderful! You can always help by spreading the word in places I might've missed/neglected, which helps a lot and doesn't require a credit card either! :)