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The summer may be hot... Actually, it's extremely hot... But that just means that I have to make our games EVEN HOTTER to beat that stupid heat! Fortunately, I am full steam ahead on getting these final Lustfall commissions worked on so I can get this huge, throbbing Update 7 in front of everyone's faces! 

I've been super busy with IRL shenanigans this year (and there's one more big bump at the end of this month) so, although Update 7 is taking a lot longer to push out than I had intended, I'm not going to be so hard on myself about it.

There's a ton of stuff for me to do and so much more for you to look forward too, so let's break it down!!

Lustfall - Update 7

Not only do we have the next chapter in the story to play through, we also have one (of two) bonus side quest dungeons that are NEW and designed by the very generous people of the Master/Mistress tier.

The side quest itself can be done at any time after the Studium Amare level, so make sure you clear that quest if you want to head straight there (Right where Update 6 ends and Update 7 begins). It will be a little tougher than the story mission both with the enemies and the special mechanics, but for those who enjoy the struggle, there will be some nice rewards...

Speaking of struggles, the boss fight may give you a run for your money! Mirroring the traps and mechanics of the dungeon, this fight will have your party members becoming encased in the dronifying latex and turning them against one another. Don't think you can ignore them either, as the drones will protect the Rouge AI boss from all attacks (even AoE).

It will be a battle of attrition, so make sure you are all stocked up a ready to go. You never know which one of your teammates will be engulfed by the sticky, shiny stuff! Despite how challenging it may get (especially if you don't use items very often), I'm sure that it will be loads of fun to struggle against!

OH! I almost forgot about the Milestone #3 bonus! While it might be tough to squeeze in some Lewd End CGs for Update 7 (unless I want to delay it forever >.<), I am working on getting a list together of endings that need CGs for and making notes of the ones people want to see the most!

Hanaja's Body

With the Steam release of Hanaja's Body coming NEXT Friday, I am waiting to give Steam fans a chance to play the game and make some suggestions for the big update. I expect the poll to be run at the end of the month and I will promote the heck out of it to make sure everyone gets a chance to vote!

There are a lot of great ideas already posted in the discord #fan-content-suggestions channel, but there can always be more! I also have some ideas that I will toss into the mix that come from some IRL friends... but those will stay secret for now. >:)

With all of that being said, I estimate that the update for HB will drop sometime around the end of August. This also depends on Zin's availability and timing.

Next game - Damsels of Vice 2: Damsel Harder

Well, ok, I probably won't call it Damsel Harder but the point is that a new DoV game is coming up! I have been going through tons of ideas in my head and I am piecing together my thoughts and the big plot/level beats.

I will be keeping the Action Sequence system and I am giving it an overhaul! One of the biggest frustrations I saw from people was that when they failed, they didn't always know why. The "trick" attacks definitely made things more confusing and frustrating due to the lack of player feedback. This is an issue that will easily be solved in DoV2... And if I can figure out a way to do it, I might go beyond and incorporate some kink into it too. (Dirty talk, anyone?)

This will feature a lot of the supporting cast of DoV, including Tess Maverick and Donna (the OKRA boss), while also showcasing some new characters. There will be a new supervillain and a few familiar faces. There will also be two new heroines to play:

Sister Fister and Copy Kat! The former uses her signature 7 Deadly Fists to smash her foes to redemption, while the latter scratches her foes which forces them to mimic her every move... much to their own peril!

More to come on in the following months for this exciting new project!

Other Things

I'm about 2k words in on a story I am working on writing in my free time. I'm curious about how well selling erotica will work out for me, so I had this concept about a fantasy world riddled with strangely sexual and fetishistic treasures. My plan is to write and publish a handful of these different stories that showcase different characters coming across these fantastic items and the misadventures that result from it. 

Not to get too much into the details because I am not sure if I will finish it, but this first story is about an item that causes the holder to turn into a plastic sex doll when exposed to a body still water and change back when exposed to a source of running water.

Still working on the details of what to do with it when I finish it, where to sell it, what a fair price would be, discounts for supporters, etc...

Welp! That's a lot going on in my noggin and I am energized with all of the ideas I have for Hanaja's Body, DoV2, Lustfall and projects beyond!

Stay safe and stay kinky!



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