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*spits coffee*

Wow! Thank you so much everyone for your new and/or continued support throughout the years. I am humbled by your enthusiasm for Lustfall, Victoria's Body (and sequels) and Damsels of Vice! Words are not enough to express my gratitude, so I will have to express it by creating more kinky games!!

So where are we at this time? Well, let's do a refresher...


In the discord channel called "#lustfall-lewd-end-cgs" on the official discord. There you are free to discuss the lewd ending of Lustfall that play out when you lose a battle that you would like to see as an illustrated CG! It's both time consuming and expensive, especially for the ones later in the game (more characters makes things trickier) so they obviously all won't be included in Update 7 but by the time Lustfall is complete, the plan is to have them all illustrated.

All that to say, use that channel to talk about your favorite lewd ends and the ones you want to see first! I will push to get a few into Update 7 if the timing works out. Again, these can take a long time for the artist to complete so please be patient...

I will also be posting them here/discord if appropriate when they are complete.

Hanaja's Body

We are already working on an update with new content and have been taking suggestions here and in the "#fan-content-suggestions" discord channel. The plan is to give the Steam users a few days to play the game and make some suggestions, then I will bring up a poll. Timing is looking like the end of the month for the final decision. I will break down the ideas on the poll and talk about what direction I'd like to take each one of them.

I also want to point out that I added a Hanaja's Body only milestone in between this one and the next one. This is like a Milestone 3.5 where I will take TWO of the most popular winners for the big update instead of just one if we reach $750/month before I shift gears to DoV2.

THANK YOU! Once again, I appreciate all of the enthusiasm and support from the bottom of my heart. I hope you are looking forward to Lustfall Update 7, the Hanaja's Body FAN update and more~


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