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October is great and all, but the real treat is that it's about a month until my birthday and what better way to do that than a super special subscriber spectacular! That's right! More kinky content exclusive to patrons! These rewards are based on subscriber count and not total earned and since I can't display both on the sidebar, it's quickly made custom image time! Yea!

These are all bonus rewards that I promise to bring to you when we reach that number of subscribers here on Patreon. What are the goals? Let's break it down!

Bonus 1: Extra Dungeon for Lustfall

A whole new, birthday/party themed dungeon to explore for Lustfall. This will be in addition to the Update 6 content, so think of it like an Update 6-B that will come out as soon as it's ready and before Update 7. New enemies, bosses and I'll even throw in some new Lust Magic Battle Cards that are new even to me! There will probably be some balloon bondage and other celebratory twists on things.

Bonus 2: Alternate Costumes for Game #3

More information about Game #3 coming soon to Sadomasochist tier subscribers so I'll keep it simple. I'll include an alternate costume for one or both of the playable characters that will change visually change everything except the CGs. 

Bonus 3: Dream Enhancements for Lustfall

More details here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47976462

Basically, I'll start commissioning and placing in the art (1. Battle Portraits) for some of the visual dream enhancements to really make Lustfall pop visually in combat. I'll also look into implementing some of the side effect and skill learning enhancements but those may be better suited for a big combat rework in the future.

Like I said before, these are BONUS rewards from now until the first week of November so if you are thinking about signing up even at the $1 tier, NOW is the time. All other milestones are still active too, so there is a chance we will reach both the bonus reward and Milestone #3. As for now, the bonus rewards are Patreon exclusive. Let's get some bonuses, so share this and spread the word!



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