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It's still May, so this counts!  I'll admit that I ALMOST forgot to do the preview because I am just so excited about finishing VB2 this month! That and I was taking care of getting a few more Lustfall comms set up and underway. Good to be busy, yea?

So my question is one of the future. Looking forward! I want to know what types of things everyone wants to see more of once Veronica's Body is released. Obviously, I'll continue working on Lustfall as I work on the second project. As I continue making games, I'll have more room to experiment with other concepts (some experiments may be Patreon exclusive).

A lot of these are more RPG Maker ideas because that is the engine I have experience with and that I have to work with, but there are other concepts that explore new engines and genres of gameplay too. (Without a lot of free/open source asset packs, however, Unity is going to be rough on the budget).

What is the type of game you'd like to see most in the future?

  • New Asagi-like Bondage JRPG - New IP and characters, maybe returning favorites. Something similar to this where we would have three or four protagonists that go through a few areas in a short story. The battles would have progressive bondage effects and a struggle system. If all the heroines get fully captured, it's game over. Not sure how I would spice it up to make it stand out but I'm sure I could think of something.
  • New Asagi-like Transformation JRPG - Similar to the above but more of a TF focus (search for "Abyss Cave"). Multiple characters but very simple TFs (no partial TFs) and game over if everyone if TF.
  • Victoria's Body 3 - Self explanatory. About the same size and scope of VB2 with a new protag. Familiar, but with fresh TFs.
  • Lustfall 2 - Final Fantasy style. Some returning lewds and a handful of new ones. New characters and a new story. Game play might get some tweaks but it will be essentially just more Lustfall with different characters. Obviously, not to be started until the first Lustfall is completed.
  • Match 3 Bondage Battle - Imagine something like Puzzle quest but you are matching to build up points to activate powers to bind your sexy foe while they slowly bind you up in the process. This would require me re-learning Unity and it would most likely be a true Early Access project. I've been cooking this idea for a long time so this is probably the one I am most excited for.
  • Match 3 Transformation Battle - More of a Transformation focus, but the same idea as above.
  • Lewd Action Platformer - Mario or Megaman type of side-scrolling platformer game. Simple levels, going from left to right and sometimes up and down. Avoid traps and getting lewded into game overs. Not sure what I could do to put a unique spin on things but the hardest part would be scouting out someone affordable to do the sprite work.

These are just some vague concepts for now, as I should stay focused on what I am working on right now but I would like to see what people are most looking forward to in the future! Needless to say, I have tons of ideas to choose from and I'll have more as time goes on.



The Match 3 Bondage idea reminds me of a project Sikstiks/Nerdgagger worked on some years ago. I liked it, but unfortunately he abandoned it. I still like the idea a lot, so its too bad that it doesn't seem very popular.


Is there a link/information on that project, I'd love to check it out. And popular or not, it's something I've been wanting to work on so I'll probably start chipping away at it slowly over time. Once people see what it is I bet they'll really love it. ;)