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Lustfallen! October falls upon us. The weather is colder, the nights are longer and it's the perfect time to celebrate the darkness and things we normally fear. Welcome to this month's part A of the development log for Update 4! That intro really didn't have a lot to do with what we are discussing, I just needed something to juice the ol' brain and start writing.

Holy shit! Look at those updates! Quite an encouraging jump in progress from just a few weeks ago. I have been working hard trying to get the commissions lined up and with a general deadline so I am happy to see the bar so close to completed. I've been trying to diversify a little bit with some fresh faces to so the search isn't quite over. 

I still have 5 more to put a face and a deadline to (and get the title screen for this next update) before I can safely put out an announcement for the release but I am still hoping it will land mid-November or early December at the latest. This is longer than I want these updates to take in the future but at the same time this is a double-update with an insane amount of new content (HYPE!) so all things considered, this speed is consistent with the rest of the releases in relation to everything else.

So let's talk the star of this next update and the fourth (and final) party member, Cherri!

Cherri is a... unique... woman that the other three come across on their trip through the Abandoned Factory outside of Monamor City. Initially, she seems a little... different... than the others but decides to stick around with everyone because she doesn't really have anything better to do.

Personality wise, she's a foil to the more serious attitudes of everyone else. She's an eccentric, happy-go-lucky nut job of a person who loves to press people's buttons and irritate them. Naturally, Gwen is an easy target for her, so they develop quite quickly into a frenemies type of dynamic.

Battle wise, Cherri is a nuke. She has a massive pool of MP and has natural access to lightning elemental spells that are quite effective versus machinery and humans. She has a bit more defense than Cleo but is a bit slower, usually acting 2nd or 3rd in the turn order. 

Her unique battle skills are locked at first but are highly varied in their use. Damaging attacks that she uses are unpredictable in terms of damage but have a nice trade-off, like ignoring defense. Throughout the game she will gain some unique support skills as well, including a skill where she causes massive damage to herself in exchange for a powerful regen effect for several turns. Risky and wild, much like her personality.

Cherri is best described as a brat. She loved to get people worked up and it's rare for her to get worked up about anything herself. She's self indulgent and hedonistic so even when she's not trying, she may still end up causing friction between the party members.

Thank you all again for the continued support! For those who want a character to cameo and help out our heroines, there is still plenty of time to make it happen. With any luck, the second dev log of this month will be replaced by a release announcement! ;)

Stay safe and stay kinky~



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