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Speaking of Lustfall, I am still taking in feedback and ideas of how to make simple improvements to the overall gameplay experience with each update, so be looking forwards to some convenience tweaks/enhancements td estimation of how quickly things can get one. I have an idea for release for everything outside of what I am currently working on, which is still Cryscorp.

I've made quite a bit of progress with the dungeon. From the enemies fully set up to all of the major puzzles done, the only major thing I have left to do is the rest of the cut scenes and the alien plant trap even trigger. This dungeon is pretty heavy on the story so naturally that will take some time. Normally, it would be an easy finish by the end of the month, but that will probably not be the case because:

I am working on a secondary game that I plan to release in November: Project Victoria (code name)!

So, the big thing about pushing out updates for Lustfall is that there is a lot of time in between ordering art commissions. Since I am so far ahead of the current release of Lustfall and I am waiting on art to be ordered and completed, I have a lot of time to work on other things. Normally, I would continue the development of Lustfall but again, I am far ahead of schedule.

That being said, if I want to get this new project done in a reasonable amount of time, I will probably not be working on the main branch of Lustfall very much this month. Don't worry! I will still be working on the Update 4 branch as much as I can so I can at least get that out.

This game will be sold for about $10 USD on itch.io and then later sold on Steam once I have some time to learn the Steam integration API so I can add fun stuff like achievements. I want to see how well selling erotic/fetish games will sell for me and use the money to fund Lustfall so I can spend more time commissioning and less time bargain/budget hunting for various pieces. Ideally, it will sell enough that I could pay a month or two worth of rent because time is running out  for me on that front.

I will be giving keys to subscribers of this tier for Project Victoria and any future game I may develop and sell, so don't worry about it. If you can read this blog then you are a high enough tier to get the new game for free. I will probably make a more official announcement soon that all tiers can see once I whip up some promo stuff for it. It will still be an RPG Maker MV game (gotta use the engine that I know) but it will look and play differently from Lustfall.

Speaking of Lustfall, I am still taking in feedback and ideas of how to make simple improvements to the overall gameplay experience with each update, so be looking forwards to some convenience tweaks/enhancements as we push towards Update 4.

This is THE Sub Supreme signing off.

Stay safe, stay kinky~



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