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Welcome one and all to the latest and greatest dev log post that some of you might have been waiting for. At the top of the month, I am here to bring you another update on the progress of Update 4 to keep everyone assured that I am busting my butt to get this out as soon as possible.

A few more commissions popped from last time and I expect a lot more of those yellow (in progress/paid for but not yet finished) to turn green by next week since some of them are approaching the final stages of shading and coloring. 

I look at the amount left to go and at first it looks like a lot, but then I remember that this is essentially two updates packaged into one due to how the game structure is set up. Future updates will be about half this size, so if this was a normal update then we would be looking at an announcement date already. When I look at it like that, I think we are blazing through these delicious commissions!

Additionally, this introduces the final Lust Magic type, Mechanical, so none of those attacks have art yet so in a dungeon where enemies use a lot of machine attacks, there is a lot to do initially. This also means that there will be less to commission in total for future updates  since I am getting these completed early.

Let's talk a bit now about the second dungeon of this update, the one featured in these pictures. The H***o-bandit Hideout has a lot of tricks and traps to avoid in the form of magic circles on the floor that apply the H***otized side effect to a random heroine every time it is stepped on. The big danger of this dungeon is one everyone is afflicted with that side effect while inside the hideout, it will be Game Over for our heroines.

Those who don't pay attention will find themselves confused as they stumble upon the invisible, spellbinding circles. It turns out, you need a special item by speaking with a prisoner in the caves that will reveal them for you. It's a hideout after all, they can't let intruders meddle in their nefarious ways!

The other novel thing about this completely optional side dungeon is that you can complete it with either three or all four party members (dependent on whether or not you complete the Abandoned Factory first). Obviously, it is a lot more difficult and dangerous if you attempt with only three party members but for those who like a challenge, this would be a way to do it. You could also skip it completely, but why would you do that?

Playing through it initially, the red circles will flash while the other ones are static. This could be problematic visually because it hurt my eyes a bit so I remember I need to do something to make them slightly less seizure-inducing. Rest assured that will be addressed before the update is pushed.

 That's all I have to ramble about this time so I hope you all tune into the next update long and if you are really curious about the current state of the entire game, you should bump yourself up to a Sadomasochist tier user and read the overall development logs where I talk about the part of the game I am developing today (Sci-fi/Aliens). The one for September just went up yesterday!

Stay safe and stay kinky~



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