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It's a new month so I'm back with a little bit of re-branding for these dev logs since there's no reason not to. I may change the name all together to be a little more descriptive. It's not super flashy but it gets the point across and since this is a tiered benefit, I think it is better to be informative over stylish. I guess we'll see.

So, let's start with the obvious. This is in the same state that it was at the beginning of August, right? WRONG! While I am still working on the Cryscorp HQ dungeon, the map design and dungeon flow is finally complete! Now all I need to do is the event coding, items, cut-scenes, enemies... There's a lot left to do but this dungeon finally came together in a lot bigger of a way than expected. I also had a hectic August so it's not a huge surprise that this is taking longer than previous ones. Still things are progressing smoothly.

Let's talk a little bit about the dungeon. For those who are familiar with Star Trek, it's a situation where the holodeck is out of control and spreading out of control. This isn't actually a holodeck, but Cryscorp's experimental Advanced Reality system. A space/alien simulation is taking over the entire building so our heroines must locate the crystal in order to power it down. Obviously, the all corrupting nature of Lust Magic will make that a challenge.

Most people transform into sexy agents or other sci-fi inspired creatures when they step inside, making them vulnerable to paranoia and alien infestation. That means you're not only fighting perverted aliens, you are also clashing against the desires of spies, agents and androids too! Expect a lot of Occult and Latex magic to make an appearance.

This is a bit of a maze to navigate, filled with traps from two different camps. One trap is one that you'll find in alien infested grounds that will leave one of your party members captured while the others are ambushed! Overcoming this encounter will render the tile safe until you leave the area, so don't step on any red splotches on the ground.

The other trap is more sinister. When stepping on incorrect tiles in the non-corrupt part of the dungeon, you will find our heroines quickly sealed in vacbeds and moved to a mysterious facility. They will have one chance to battle their way to freedom or else it's game over! While you want to avoid these traps 99% of the time, you will have to get yourself captured once in order to progress through the rest of the dungeon! Sneaky sneaky developer! >:)

Other than Lustfall, I have been working on promoting and everything that goes with that to some positive success. Adding my game to one database in particular managed to nearly double the amount of downloads I have received for Lustfall in just a few weeks.

I also took a week off last month for a mental health break and ended up prototyping a combat system in RPG Maker MV that I am planning to use for my second game. This second game is MUCH shorter in scope and I am planning to sell it for cash (no free version) once it is completed to see how well that sized up versus a free game. I am working on finding an artist who I can rely on to do the art that is required for it so that is something I can easily do while I continue to commission for Update 4!

Speaking of Updates, I am starting to get a vision of how I will break out future updates. Obviously, Update 4 is going to be massive by virtue of having 2 unique dungeons but after that, I can envision Update 5+ being about a dungeon per update and I feel good about it because the dungeons have much more in terms of content, both gameplay and story, than at the beginning of the project. Heck, most dungeons are becoming 2-in-1s in terms of scope near the end of the game.

Gonna keep things positive and end things here for this month since last month's dev log was rather complain-y. Yay Lustfall!

This is THE Sub Supreme signing off.

Stay safe, stay kinky~



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