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It's still the first full week of the month and I finally have some time to hash this out so hold on to your butts because this is the spoiler report for Lustfall. Happy to say that, despite my progress slowing down since before I released the very first demo in January of this year, I am still making good progress. Honestly, depending on how cooperative my life is between now and the end of the year, I could see myself completing the game by 2021, optimistically. The art will take a while longer to all get done and paid for, but we are far from caught up so it won't even be an issue.

I expect this month to be a little slow for a lot of reasons compared to the last. First and foremost, I may have a temporary IRL job that will take up my time. On the bright side, I'll have more money for rent, food, dentistry and finally, Lustfall. So, in exchange for my time I should be able to invest more liberally to have more extra art and commission more frequently. Not only that, but I may actually be able to afford full-detail art for maximum quality. That means, I may go back and upgrade some of the art from the current releases so that my artists can show off their full talents. Assuming I can see the first paycheck in my bank account, I may be looking forward to it.

I am also shifting to getting the next release up and ready for launch at the end of the month. While it generally only takes a week or two in the engine to make sure things are operating as expected, there is a lot of promotion and other work that is part of it. Not to mention, if I am blessed with new Patreon supporters I will need some time to incorporate their benefits into the game too.

That being said, I still want to make forward progress on the game and will be making time to do that. I just finished the C*m-filled Caverns (fuck the auto-sensorship) and all the juicy plot elements and cut scenes. I've also gotten all the plot elements all but leading up to the next dungeon set up and I guess that's where my brain crashed. I have ideas of what I want to happen on a macro-level. Big plot twist, some more backstory, some sort of introduction to a few characters alluded to in the past... But I haven't been able to big brain it all together like I have in the past. Although, now that I am writing about it, a few ideas are trickling in. Nice. Maybe if... Hue hue hue...

OH! Right, still writing the report. Ahem. Well, the best way to break through this Game Developer version of writer's block is to get down into it and start playing around with some dungeon design. These things will come together with a little dedication and effort. I've spent some time thinking on it and after I get Update 3 squared away I will be able to jump back into it.

I'm actually pretty excited for the Cryscorp HQ dungeon. It's "Advanced Reality" simulation (think of the holodeck from Star Trek) that involves latex clad space agents and very horny aliens. It'll be very Sci-fi in the design so I think it will bring a nice flavor to the game that we only had a taste of back in the (yet to be released) Abandoned Factory. Machines, latex and occult elements will be strong here.

I'm thinking the dungeon navigation gimmick will involve key cards and/or teleporters with a fair amount of tricks and traps for those who really aren't paying attention to stumble into.

I still need to do a dry playtest of the C*m-filled Caverns so I can properly balance the enemies but that will be later on, I may to the combat phase last this time. That can be done anytime, so instead I have other things to focus on before I make it that far.

I think that's all I have to say about the project for this month. Excited about the release of update 3 and seeing how the fans think of the latest dungeon and plot elements. It will also be interesting as to what this new job of mine will actual entail and how much it actually slows down my progress here.

This is THE Sub Supreme signing off.

Stay safe, stay kinky~



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