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Hello! Here's the monthly questions thread for September 2022. As usual, comments here be answered in an audio recording at the end of the month with a text transcript. 

I try my best to answer questions, though sometimes I don't have a good response. That's especially true for questions about Our Life: Now & Forever where a lot of details are still up in the air. But feel free to let me know whatever you're wondering about lately!

The thread will close after September 19th.

Overall FAQ - May Q&A - June Q&A - July Q&A - August Q&A 



Are there employment opportunities at GB Patch? Or will there be in the future since you have many projects to maintain?


Will we be able to chose Derek's and Baxter's looks while playing their DLC just like we can change Cove's looks (hair, clothing, etc.)? (sorry if this has an obvious answer; I've never played the beta)


No. Derek and Baxter have set appearances and aren't customizable.


If we have the wedding DLC installed will we be able to married Derek or Baxter if we have their DLC or will they have there own wedding DLC ?


It was mentioned in a previous question thread that there will be no more wedding DLCs hope this helps


Will we ever have a VN where a customizable mc is viewable (like a full body sprite?). Id completely understand if not since that would take a lot!


Will we have the little check boxes with our preferred clothing in OL2 like we have in OL1? Just to establish if our characters wear skirts or pants or dresses? Thank you ♡


I'd love to see this as well but I'm sure that since they have to pay their artists for a lot of other characters+CGs as well, and our MC doesnt really appear in CGs this is the least expensive route to take. Like commissioning head/shoulder busts vs commissioning a full body with customization options probably costs way more.


Will MC’s father in OL2 ever be explained like in OL1?

Anna Bia

MC was conceived by artificial insemination, Opal got a anonymous donor 🙂


Hello GB patch! Big fan of the game and Baxter <3 I made sure to reread the Q&A from previous months to make sure I don't repeat them, but these turned out to be lengthy, sorry... Here are my questions: Could you share more about how your writing process works for the moments? Iirc, you tend to not scrap ideas, and I'm very curious how you commit to a plot from start to finish. I find it very hard to tread the line between 'I want characters to do x and achieve y' and 'would said characters have enough chemistry / able to achieve y though?' Another thing, what criteria do you look for when working with artists? Do you browse through artists who have previously sent their portfolios in previous opening? Lastly, I recall that in the past, Baxter wasn't meant to have a sprite in the soiree event, and he ended up to have one (and a very cute one at that!) and I saw that dlc bonus (nsfw or not) for Baxter and Derek might not happen, since it's very lengthy and time consuming. However, as a fan I still can't help but have a sliver of hope... Anyway, this is more of a message than a question -- I just would like to convey that if it happens, then my wallet is ready, and if it doesn't, I understand haha.


I’m curious if Cove was ever bullied during any of his years at school, whether that be just because of his mannerisms (General bullying) or some teasing if/when he’s crushing on MC?


When it's time to choose a voiced name in the Kickstarter for OL2 (which I will most definitely be supporting!), would Autumn still be an okay name to choose since since it's also the nickname of one of the LI? And side note, if the MC's name is Autumn, Leif, Terra, or anything similar to do with nature will there be an extra line or so of dialogue, like when Tama is pointing out how her and Qiu's name's match? Love all your games and thank you for bringing joy to my life with them 💕


It's not, haha. The father not being present isn't meant to be a surprise or a secret. Opal just wanted a kid and had one on her own.


How to get into Derrick bedroom 😛


Is Baxter Qui’s brother?


No they're not related. That would be weird since Baxter had feelings for Qiu 😂


Has the GB tiktok been abandonned? Nothing has been posted since May so I’m just curious :)


What would Cove do for Valentine’s throughout the years if he had a crush on mc/were dating them?


Since you can join the school band in OL:N&F, can you also become the conductor or leader of the band?


I know there are other projects that you'd like to create and/or complete, but would it be possible to make an epilogue game to OL1 where we get to see MC and whoever they marry [Cove, Derek, or Baxter (who I have no idea at this time if he's a possibility for asking/be asked to marry the MC)] starting their lives together and maybe having children (whether by birth, insemination, adoption) together? Since there's not going to be any more DLC to the original OL, this would serve as a great way of tying off threads of OL1 and maybe set up events for a possible future sequel to OL1 (if that were ever to happen down the line).😀 Did Cove and the MC buy a summer home in Sunset Bird and started up their pretzel shop (maybe using it as their retirement plan)? Did Derek become a pro soccer player (with the MC selling merchandise, being a trophy husband/wife, or fellow soccer team member)? Does Baxter and the MC set up a dance school (I've no idea if that's a possibility, but one can always hope 🤞) or does the MC get into the wedding planning business as Baxter's partner?


Hey first off I just wanted to say that I LOVE your games so much but I was wondering Is there any actual way to get the heart eyes reaction with Qiu or Tamarack? I know I saw it in one of your sprite post I’m pretty sure but I was just wondering if you had to pick a specific set of answers or something like that to get that reaction.😋


Thank you for adding events from the Derek DLC to the reminiscing that MC had with Lee towards the end of Stage 2. I really couldn't see the MC keeping that information from Lee. Speaking about keeping info from Lee, is it possible to have the MC tell her about Derek's Backup Plan? It could substitute the part where the MC tells her that they kissed/admitted they liked Cove. There's so much that the MC and Lee keep to themselves, surely the MC trusts Lee with 'The Deal'? 😁


What kind of favorite animals would Derek and Baxter have? (We know Cove does love all things aquatic, so this has me curious)


Will OL2 have customization options for facial hair and contact lenses? (like if you go from wearing glasses to not will there be an option to choose whether you no longer needed them or got contacts instead)


You can take glasses on and off at will when changing your MC's outfit, so I doubt it's going to be addressed. They're just an accessory. I am curious about the facial hair, though.

Psykes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 14:48:38 Is it possible to be able to have events from the Stage 4 part of the Derek DLC affect or at least be referenced in the Stage 4 Cove DLC? It was really cool that the Anniversary for Jamie Last/MC's Ma & Mom was in the Derek DLC. It really made me hope we'd be able to see what happens in the playthrough of the Derek DLC could affect events in the Cove DLC.
2022-09-19 04:59:06 Is it possible to be able to have events from the Stage 4 part of the Derek DLC affect or at least be referenced in the Stage 4 Cove DLC? It was really cool that the Anniversary for Jamie Last/MC's Ma & Mom was in the Derek DLC. It really made me hope we'd be able to see what happens in the playthrough of the Derek DLC could affect events in the Cove DLC.

Is it possible to be able to have events from the Stage 4 part of the Derek DLC affect or at least be referenced in the Stage 4 Cove DLC? It was really cool that the Anniversary for Jamie Last/MC's Ma & Mom was in the Derek DLC. It really made me hope we'd be able to see what happens in the playthrough of the Derek DLC could affect events in the Cove DLC.


This has been addressed before and the answer is no. You can only play through one version of Step 4 and they have no effect on each other. That'd be way too much work because there's too many things to account for.