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Hey guys! We really can't thank you enough for all the support we've gotten through this Patreon. It's seriously been a huge help in making our projects better than we imagined they'd be.

The most recent goal of 220 Patrons was hit a little while back and we've officially signed a contract, bringing a new team member on board. Fellow VN dev (part of Träumendes Mädchen) Helia will be helping us format scripts for Our Life into usable pieces of code. It's gonna be great to have that extra push in getting things added.

We've also come up with another goal, since by now we're quite a ways past that last one. The next milestone is 445 Patrons. If we hit that mark we'll make a special, Patreon exclusive Moment for Our Life: Beginnings & Always! And it'll be18+ instead of 16+ like the normal game (also, it'll  naturally be set during the adult-aged portion of the game). The Moment will include sexually themed art and text, but it'll be skippable/censorable. Basically it's imagined to be a bonus Moment that's centered on having a romantic time with your lovely boyfriend Cove. Whether that means innocent snuggling or explicit intimacy or both will be up to the player. We'll see if we reach that someday.

Either way, our little company is doing just fine and it's because of players like you. Thanks again very much ❤


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 15:01:37 I can’t wait for this! I really hope we get enough Patrons for that to happen, i’d love to see the game get more intimate! <33
2020-04-10 19:54:51 I can’t wait for this! I really hope we get enough Patrons for that to happen, i’d love to see the game get more intimate! <33

I can’t wait for this! I really hope we get enough Patrons for that to happen, i’d love to see the game get more intimate! <33


Thank you ^^! I hope we reach it too. We'll do our best to word news of the game out there to more people.