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TL;DR version: My work will be going on a 3 week hiatus. My patreon is also paused for this billing cycle, so no one will be charged for this month. SD will resume on March 16.

Heya everybody.

As you might have noticed, I haven't been so great about update frequency and schedule lately. As many of you are already aware, I moved back to my hometown mid last year so I could help my family out, especially my dad with his ALS. I'm glad to be down here and able to help, but obviously it's a really tough situation for everyone involved.

Between that and other stressors, I've been getting increasingly burnt out as time goes on. As concerning as the storm and its accompanying power outage was last week, I realized I felt a small sense of temporary relief that there was nothing I could work on for a few days. I'm realizing now that was probably a Bad Sign.

My plan is to take three weeks: one to catch up on various art and other work obligations, one to Properly Not Do Work, and one to start working ahead so I can come back strong.

There's so many things I've been letting go unaddressed. I want to achieve a more regular sleep schedule, and a more regular Schedule in general. I want to get back to exercising regularly. And I want to stop constantly finishing things so late that I don't have a designated Break ever. I want to have time to draw KB again.

I don't know if I'll successfully achieve all these things with a break like this, but I'm realizing I definitely won't get there if things continue as they have.

I also want to apologize to the patrons for the delays and skipped streams. Like I said above, this month won't be billed to anyone who's still on. Everyone's been super nice despite my failed obligations, and I seriously appreciate that, but I want to do better by all of you.

I'll still be around online in general, posting cats and doing our podcast, and hopefully doodling more. I miss when I used to doodle!

Thank you so much to everyone for always being so supportive. The fact that I can do this for a living is really amazing, and I don't take that lightly. I promise I'll do my best to take better care of myself, and hopefully that will enable me to be a better creator when I return soon!



Enjoy your break! Everyone needs a vacation


Is there a place where I can donate my usual patreon donation?