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Aaaaaa! Okay so first off, I'm afraid there will only be on SD this week 'cause I spent the first half without power in the cold @___@ I was gonna catch up on so many things hahahaaaa....

BUT! I finally got power back and was able to finish this wallpaper! I wanted to do one for the Year of the Ox/Cow as a followup to last year's Ratgirl wallpaper, and then while drawing the ox I remembered that this is basically just Taurus lol. So here he is with his daughter XD

And... cough one more RWBY paper...cause they always happen to be the right proportions for wallpapey... as well as kokoro pawnch!

Hopefully my power stays on and I can be productive for the rest of the week >__> Please, ERCOT, I beg....




Headcannon: that is taurus’s little sister


Please take care of yourself! Texas freezing over is an EXTREME emergency so please don’t feel like you’ve let anyone down: your safety and well-being comes first!