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Hi everyone. I have a couple of updates to share. The first is that it turns out I actually do have a small fracture in my tailbone from my fall down the stairs. The second is that while Neville is doing better, he has some lingering symptoms and will need a third appointment/infusion of antibiotics this week. The third is that due to these things I, unfortunately, need to take a few days off from filming, editing, and posting.

I've decided to take a "vacation" from reactions and posting online for the rest of this week. I do apologize for this, as I'm sure many of you will be disappointed. However, I need to start physical therapy to prevent my tailbone from healing incorrectly (and spend a lot of the rest of my time laying down rather than sitting up), take care of Neville, and just try to take a little time to rest and re-orient myself.

To try to make this less painful, I've decided that beginning next week (Sunday 6/30), I'll be taking a full week and a half off from work and focusing exclusively on patreon/YouTube channel stuff. That'll give me the opportunity to re-organize some things on here and on the channel and to deal with issues that have arisen. My recent videos, for my new series on Chernobyl, Good Omens, and Handmaid's Tale were all blocked on YouTube for copyright. On top of this, Lasso is still claiming all of my Expanse videos (stealing the revenue for themselves, when they aren't outright blocking them) and I have yet to hear back again from the lawyer who reached out to me. With that in mind, I've gotten a new editing software which should allow me to edit clips in and out (more like you see in videos by some reactors like Nikki and Steven). I'm hoping this will lessen my copyright struggles - especially since I haven't seen any other Chernobyl reactors have their videos blocked. I'll be learning this software and beginning to use it during my week and a half off from regular work as well. I'll also be filming a reaction for the first episode of Legion as well.

Finally, my Dad will be coming here again to film more Game of Thrones this upcoming Saturday. So, finally, GoT will be back on track again!!!

I apologize again to everyone for the fact that you'll be left without new videos for a few days. Hopefully, the complete focus on patreon and the channel the following week will make up for this a little! I'll make sure to keep you informed on Neville too!


Tony Camas

You do you, Molly. We'll be here. Feel better (and Neville too).


As always you come first. Heal up & take care of Neville. We'll be here when you are ready