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Hey everyone! Well, unsurprisingly, I've been knocked out by a migraine today. This means I haven't had the chance to edit in the episode clips I was hoping to use for my Miller/Julie video. This means there's a chance it might be Monday before the finalized video is available here.

But, until then, I thought some of you might be interested in seeing the basic version! This video contains all of my thoughts and discussion on Miller and Julie's stories and their importance to the show's overall message. There are no episode clips here yet. Clips will be added at the beginning and end of the video, as well as a few places throughout it. So, my monologue here will be divided in some places. However, this version does include everything I personally say for the final piece. So, if you're not particularly concerned about seeing this interspersed with episode clips or don't mind having that video spoiled - you may enjoy just watching this one!

Thanks everyone! It's been fun working on this and I'm excited to post the finalized piece within the next couple of days!

All the best,



Miller and Julie : Final Reflections



'There's no place like home'. That was an excellent analysis. I really like your observation that both Miller and Julie were abandoned and lost and found their "home" together. I still haven't decided if Miller's visions of Julie was a creation of his own imagination or if the Protomolecule was projecting Julie to Miller in his mind. The fact that Julie saw Miller entering the room being led by the sparrow as she died was either a premonition of the future or the Protomolecule started interacting with Miller at that point. Hmm.


What a wonderful analysis!