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Hi everyone! Here's just a quick behind the scenes peek at my desk currently. I'm about to take my unorganized, handwritten notes for my upcoming Julie/Miller video and actually organize them into a more coherent form on my laptop haha. And oh, what is that my notebook is resting on? The first three books in the series - all ready for me to begin reading them as soon as I finish watching Season 2!!!

As for my Miller/Julie video itself - Now that I've finished taking notes (and will be finished organizing them soon), I expect I will actually be able to film it later tonight. Editing may take me a little longer than normal tomorrow because I'm hoping to actually add a few clips from various episodes. So, I'll have to go back and find the ones I'd really like to include. However, I fully expect to have this video posted up here by Sunday. Of course, health issues could occur at any time and potentially delay me. But, barring that, the video will be coming to you shortly! Thanks everyone!

All the best,





Wow, great news!

Scott Fellows

This is cool. I'm excited to see what you are creating for this.