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Some month I would like just painting adorable stuff without the lewds for the monthly artpack uwu.



Set up a discord and let 5$+ people join or you can use mine


If you feel like you need a little break from all the NSFW, then I definitely don't mind! ^w^


I had a discord exclusive for supporters, but I honestly prefer having a discord for friends instead.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind at all. Your art style is very adorable regardless if it's NSFW or SFW.

Overgrown Lizard

Here's hoping for blitz's characters showing up that month.

Ds wolf

I wouldnt mind at all. Judging atm of typig this, me and the majority would love to see more SFW


I'm all up for a sfw month :)

Aang Slyver

While I love your work lewds or not, I may say that I like it more when the artist does what they want once and awhile. Meaning I like it when they do what they want for a project, then go back to the community for the next


Get loads of cute art for a month, sign me the eff up!

Javier Farsaci

Lewds are good and all but nothing beats cute.


You've already done hella lewds for us, I'm fine with a break!


As I've said plenty of times~ The lewd is nice, but I didn't start supporting you purely for the lewd. I'm perfectly fine with you drawing some cute instead!


I think this sounds like a good idea. I'd like to see you draw what you 'want' to draw. :)


That would be fine, SFW art is just as good and looks great as well! Opens up some nice variety as well when you don't have to worry about drawing naughty bits on things lol.


I'm fine with SFW, but I really would like a focus like action or emotion or whatever you feel like.