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TLDR: Click the bold text. Cya.

Quick note: old posts won't work. Use the archive post! Get to know it; be one with it!

Sup? It's nearly spooky time, and I asked dA users for ideas (you can see the post here) and they had none, except for a couple that were decent. I'd like to hear your suggestions too. As I said, "Please no gore or vore or anything like that. -_- I don't like maiming my characters." I like violence like the next guy but...no. Just no.

Commission renders attached. Hard work. Fun times. I think you'll like 'em. Seems to me people like the same things. -_-? If you want the alternate text, where she references the mayor and not the Shantae one's DM me.

You'll also find a little gif of the beginning, fully rendered. This is how the final product for the SBS animation will look. Hope you're excited. Cya!




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