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TLDR: Click the bold text. Cya.

Quick note: old posts won't work. Use the archive post! Get to know it; be one with it!

Sup? It's nearly spooky time, and I asked dA users for ideas (you can see the post here) and they had none, except for a couple that were decent. I'd like to hear your suggestions too. As I said, "Please no gore or vore or anything like that. -_- I don't like maiming my characters." I like violence like the next guy but...no. Just no.

Commission renders attached. Hard work. Fun times. I think you'll like 'em. Seems to me people like the same things. -_-?

You'll also find a little gif of the beginning, fully rendered. This is how the final product for the SBS animation will look. If you want to be spoiled, you can download the full un-rendered video in a previous post here. Cya!




Jonny Boomer

Now I want to see Shantae play with the sandal!!!! XD