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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well! Here is your fresh episode of the patroncast :)
In this one, I talk about:

- 00:42 The channel, some sponsor changes (again), the exclusive daily news podcast is happening, and more

- 14:13 An update on my  recent setup changes, with a few KDE issues, and few other problems not linked to KDE (sound off in the comments if you have ideas on how to fix these :D)

I hope you'll enjoy listening to this one, have a great week!



Hey Nick, hope you're doing well. It's unfortunate that Safing won't sponsor you anytime soon, hopefully their business will stay afloat because their product seems pretty interesting. I have the feeling that 2024 will be pretty tough for many businesses, but hopefully I'm wrong. It's pretty cool to hear that the memberships news podcast is going to be a thing. Hopefully it will bring new members to your Patreon. Can you add a different thumbnail to news podcast on Patreon to differentiate it from the regular patreoncast? I always find it weird how Firefox isn't that well integrated on most Linux distros even though it's the default web browser on most of them. I really want to love Firefox, but the more I use it, the more minor inconveniences I find out about it and it does get tiring having to "fix" a web browser. It sucks to say so, but web browsers on other Oses are better integrated with the device. Sadly, the mobile Firefox experience on Android isn't that great either compared to chromium based browsers 😕.


Growing up in the 90s and using computer ever since, I always compare the linux DE experience to this era: You had control over your machine but sometimes... stuff just stopped working, crashed, update broke your machine etc. and you had to play around to make it work again. I thought it's me - since I'm relatively new to the linux world so its nice to see more experienced people struggle with the same problems. (-: But it also leaves me with a question if I should show linux to other non-technical users (like my mother in law. She wants a tuxedo laptop since shes fed up with windows but... IDK...)


Yeah, I hope Safing will keep operating, I really like the Portmaster, and I think they're doing really cool things! I'll definitely separate them from one another to make sure people only listen to what they really want to :) As per Firefox, I totally agree. I wish it was better integrated and Linux wasn't the third wheel in terms of support, new features, and the like. I think it could really carve out a niche for itself by being "the Linux browser"


I'd say most of my issues come from the fact I decided to use the dreaded combo of KDE + Wayland + nvidia. KDE on Intel integrated CPUs works really well, and Tuxedo ships KDE with X11, not Wayland, since even with 5.27, the Wayland session isn't quite perfect yet, so the default experience, at least on Tuxedo OS, is much better than the one I have right now (even though, let's be honest, these are mostly minor annoyances that would have equivalents on other operating systems). It's more a problem of "living on the edge" and using non FOSS drivers on top of that, I feel, but KDE does have some usability issues still!