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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well! Here is episode 41 of your Patroncast :)

In this one, I talk about:

- 00:45 The channel, how well it did this week, and what I'll be working on this week

- 13:03 The KDE Setup, and how it took a while, but I'm now pretty much addicted to KDE

- 22:15 Malware on the Snap Store, the review processes in place in the Snap Store and Flathub, and the risks with not being careful enough about malware

I hope you'll enjoy listening to this one, and have a great week!



Hey, Nick. I recall that... last month? Anyway, you had mentioned your NAS setup and had said something about Synology (which I _think_ I remember you said you were using) not being entirely open source. I've used both Synology and Q-station (QNAP) and left both platforms because I didn't feel like my data was entirely mine, since, as you say, it's not entirely open source. What I ended up doing was putting together a system that satisfies all of my essential needs and then some. First, I bought a DAS (Direct Attached Storage) and hooked it up to a headless Raspberry Pi, where I installed syncthing from the repo, and I installed CasaOS via the curl command. Anyway, this allowed me to setup all the essential backup features I needed through syncthing and with CasaOS, it makes SMB sharing super, super, suuuuper simple. Also, with CasaOS I get a lot of docker apps that are one-click installs. There are some complications, for instance, I found it easiest to setup the HDDs from the DAS in in the FStab file (/etc/fstab), and you shouldn't use the syncthing from Docker, because of the containerized state of the thing, you cannot access (or, I should say, I could not access) the drives on the DAS. This was not a problem, of course, since i just used the syncthing from the repo on the actual raspian (or whatnot). Also, here are some good options for a DAS, the first one is the one that I used and suggest. Its a 5-bay, with two of the bays being RAID set (hardware RAID). The second one is RAID across the 5 bays, but I could never see whether it was hardware RAID--and since I can't see a hardware switch to go between RAID options, I assume it's software RAID. Anyway, here they are (also, they are on sale--or they will be if you do the Prime thing). https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B071S6ZCMM https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07BLM72ZY More information available here: https://nascompares.com/deals/terramaster-deals-this-prime-day-october-2023/


Thanks for the details on the setup! It's definitely on my list, to build something myself and see what is available for that, and this will be very helpful!


Absolutely! You are welcome. I've enjoyed having the setup--and it's worked without fail. I use cronjobs to shutdown the system, and a plug-in mechanical timer (on the raspberry pi) to turn it back on in the morning (saving energy). I also have it setup on unattended upgrades so I can really just leave it alone (https://wiki.debian.org/UnattendedUpgrades). There are so many neat things you can do when it's your own system--and raspberry pis are incredible, lol. Anyway, if there is anything I can do to help, let me know.