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Hey everyone!

Here is episode 40 of your exclusive weekly patroncast!

In this one, I talk about:

- 01:35 Video games, and how it looks like there's a single type of game that still manages to hold my attention, and that's "games that don't have much gameplay in them"

- 14:53 The channel, the "one laptop setup", the apps I landed on, and my explorations for productivity apps to try and be better organized in terms of content production

I hope you'll enjoy listening to this episode, and have a great week!


Lukasz Palczewski

Hey Nick. Get well soon, because I do not enjoy hearing your voice and only one movie a week! That is absurd! ... Just joking ;) but get well :) I face similar issues with being burn out with playing games. Usually it passes after a month or so. Just do not play for the time-being and focus on something else, like creating more videos for us :P Or better yet on your girlfriend and her cat ;) As for the content of the games it all depends on what I want in the moment. I usually like games that have long game-play that evolves in time - 4x gender for example or some kind of city building. As @UsernameAreHard suggested, you could try TellTale Games games if you are looking for story driven games with not much action in them (interactive movie).


Yeah, I'll focus on painting my warhammer 40K miniatures instead :D Telltale games, I already played quite a few, and I enjoyed most of them!

Emil Johansen

It sounds like you're borderline treating gaming as a duty - that you're supposed to play certain games because they're new or you identify as such a gamer. That may feel unfair - I only have your podcast and channel to go by, but it is extremely common. And extremely depressing. Who made these rules and where did people sign over their rights on them? Maybe there are also people who insist on only watching all new thrillers because they're a thriller movier? That sounds dumb, but so does "I'm an fps gamer".

Emil Johansen

It's also not weird that you feel like AAA action adventure games are repetitive. For the vast majority of those, that is entirely by design. They have scores of customers who have tied their identity to the genre or brand and setting up and maintaining a factory floor replicating that is financially safe both for addressing that audience, riding the marketing, and because you can specialize your replication for financial certainty.