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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well! In Episode 40 of this podcast, I'm going to talk about one thing, and one thing only: projects.

More specifically, all the projects I tried, started, stopped, and generally didn't complete over the course of this year. Think about it as an honest look at all the things I said I'd do but didn't. Because sometime you need accountability, and I feel like I kinda do!




Very interested in the home server project! I have a similar project with a number of things running on my old mini PC, but have been a little timid to open it up to the outside world. It's mainly preventing me from completing my migration to my own Nextcloud server.


As a serial-project-starter and perfectionist, I totally get that feeling of "wait, it's been a year since I started this, and it's still in the same state?" that you're describing, so that was a great patroncast episode for me. Very curious about the home server, as I'm also in the process of setting up my own. It's probably doable in a day (or two), but please, think twice about your storage system and don't rush it, because if you're gonna host Nextcloud and OO on it, a drive failure in the middle of a RAID rebuilt could give you a *very* bad time. Apart from that, I'm glad to hear that you haven't given up on the ad-free videos project, it sounds very cool! I was a bit skeptical about the website at the beginning because I only watch/listen on mobile and I know that homemade webapps can have a pretty sub-par UX with phone browser limitations (loading times everywhere, background playback quirks, less player options...), but the RSS solves all of it. I can import it on my feed reader of choice, it auto-downloads, runs offline nicely... clearly the best option to me. Looking forward to it and the news podcast!


Yeah, I'll definitely let you know how it goes, although it might be a simpler project with backups on another drive, and no super tough redundancy systems, we'll see! As per the ad-free videos, the goal is to let people enjoy them anywhere they prefer, so I wouldn't want to lock anyone to a website or a platform, and I think the RSS feed would be the easiest one to do!