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Hey Everyone!

I hope you're all doing OK, and that you're ready for Episode 4 of the second season of the patroncast!

In this one, I talk about:

- 01:14 Making the News videos weekly as an experiment in February, and preparing a study about patron perksat's not the goal, but it can be a cool side effect if I manage to find more sponsors

- 09:05 The annual productivity tool shakeup, and my unending quest to spend more time finding the perfect productivity tools than actually being productive

- 17:23 Improvements in Linux software land, as in Flathub being more trustworthy, and GNOME adding PWAs to GNOME Software: https://blog.halon.org.uk/2022/01/further-investments-in-desktop-linux/

Happy Listening!




Isn't Nextcloud Notes just text files? So you could use whatever markdown editor that you want (Typora, Marktext,...) and the Nextcloud sync app to sync between computers. And they have an app for phones too but last time I checked it was pretty rough. Joplin also can use Nextcloud as its server. That's what I use to have my notes on every devices. (Pro tip: if you do, make an Nextcloud account just for Joplin)


The issue is that I also need "notebooks" and organization features that basic markdown editors don't really have :) Joplin is cool, but electron apps aren't really to my liking, although I'm at a point where I think I won't really have a choice!


Yes, you can, but I need the app to follow that structure as well :) Worst case, I'll just use elementary code, and the folder structure panel to handle "notebooks" :)