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Hey everyone!

Here is episode 48 of your weekly patroncast! In this one, I talk about:

- 01:11 The PinePhone Pro, how I'd love to try and daily drive it, and what's preventing me from doing so

- 08:15 My first impressions of the JingPad A1 tablet, and how the excellent hardware is let down by the software

- 17:09 Trying to bring my stuff to more eyeballs, and this is where I need you advice!

Let me know what you think about all of this!




It seems like for Linux phones to ever really become usable as a daily driver, Anbox is going to need to have deeper integration into the system so the phones can run Android apps more seemlessly. I've tinkered with Phosh on the PinePhone and honestly I don't think Android apps would look too out of place. The GTKHeaderBar already gives a mobile app feel for native GNOME apps. That said, relying on Android apps has big drawbacks, namely the depressingly large amount of apps that rely on GAPP's SafetyNet in order to run. Have you run into any problems using SafetyNet apps on /e/?


Anbox or Waydroid could be good solutions, yeah. SafetyNet doesn’t work anymore on custom ROMs, from what I read, but on /e/, the only app that didn’t work for me was my banking app!


About the audience topic, I think you covered the main options pretty well: - New platforms Right now, I think the most popular platform for YouTubers trying to diversify their viewership is Twitch (it's even open-source now 🙃), but I'm not sure you're interested in streaming. On the social media side, you're already on Twitter, Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok are out of the question, and Discord doesn't have great discoverability. Your best bet (IMO) would be Spotify and podcast platforms, like Julien C suggested. - More accessible videos I instantly thought about subtitles and translation, because automatic ones are often crappy and that's the kind of thing I love to contribute to, but community translations do have this trust issue (you can't verify them) which is tricky to avoid. I'll do my research to see if I find a miraculous solution for that... - More discoverability on existing platforms The YouTube algorithm is too absurd to take advantage of, except if you start doing 5-min clickbaity/"most satisfying" videos and Shorts every day (please don't). A collab on the other hand... that's probably the most efficient way to be discovered on YouTube these days, so I hope your super secret works well! (And in the meantime guys, let's swarm the WAN show to get Nick as a guest in the LTT Linux challenge! :D)


Oh I would love to be a guest on LTT, on any video :D I think I'm way too small for this, though! I don't want to sacrifice the principles I have to promote the channel, so Facebook/Instagram and TikTok are out of the question, yeah, and so is spamming low quality, short content for the sake of making sure everyone sees my stuff. That's also why I don't put my face on thumbnails unless it's a personal video, I just find that super cringy and clickbaity, and while it might work for other creators, it's just not for me. Same goes with the sponsors, where I'll mercilessly say NO to a lot of companies. I could probably have doubled my revenue by now had I accepted everything, but I would just feel very bad about myself :D So, the idea is to try to grow and reach more people, but without sacrificing all these principles, that, I think, people like!