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Vote for June's Topics!

  • Why aren't administrations moving to Linux? 15
  • Should updates be auto applied without the user's input ? 7
  • The 3 best Linux distro if you're coming from Mac OS X 8
  • MS Office on Linux with Winapps 12
  • 2021-05-21
  • 42 votes
{'title': "Vote for June's Topics!", 'choices': [{'text': "Why aren't administrations moving to Linux? ", 'votes': 15}, {'text': "Should updates be auto applied without the user's input ?", 'votes': 7}, {'text': "The 3 best Linux distro if you're coming from Mac OS X", 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'MS Office on Linux with Winapps', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 21, 6, 5, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 42}


Hey everyone!

I hope you're doing well, and getting those vaccine shots if they're available (sadly not yet for my age group in France, but should start being possible in mid-June)!

It's time to vote on the topics for June, and this is going to be a loaded month again :)

As for the guaranteed videos, we'll have our 2 Linux News videos, obviously, as well as a review of the Slimbook Titan (and the Slimbook RGB Keyboard), a review of PopOS 21.04, as that's going to be different enough from Ubuntu to warrant its own video, and the final video in the XFCE series that will actually begin on Sunday (there should be 2 videos about XFCE in May, and a third in June).

Now, in terms of choices, here's what I was thinking about:

The 3 best distros if you're moving from Mac OS VS Microsoft Office on Linux with Winapps.

The first one is a tour of a few distributions that make sense if you're coming from macOS, either because they behave in the same way, or because they can be tweaked to do so, and the second one is a guided tour of how to install Winapps, a solution that runs a VM and uses RDP to display the programs in it, as if they were part of your Linux desktop (not displaying them inside the VM window).

Why aren't administrations moving to Linux? VS Should updates be auto applied without the user's input ?

Both of these are opinion pieces, the first one trying to explain why public administrations and governments aren't using a FREE (as in beer) operating system instead of paying licenses, and the second is my opinion on auto updating, the security risks of not doing it, and the annoyance that comes with auto updates.

Vote down there, and let me know what I should work on!




Getting my first poke TODAY! I voted, thanks Nick and have an awesome weekend.


Nice! here, my age group can only use appointments that have been canceled by other people, but technically, on June 15th, we should be able to book our own appointments, so, fingers crossed I should be vaccinated before then end of June :) Have a great weekend, Jason :)


Good luck guys I got my second Pfizer shot last wednesday, it hit me like a truck after a few hours but I was back on my feet the next morning. Hope you can get it soon.