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Hey everyone!

Here is episode 26 of this weekly patroncast! 

This time I talk about:

- Audacity, their attempt to add telemetry to the app, and why telemetry is vital for open source projects but not at all costs

- The JingPadA1, and why crowdfunding gives me the creeps, and also why I'll still back that project up.

- My weird problem with Linux desktop customization (or ricing as the young'uns call it), and why I like using the defaults

I hope you enjoy listening to it!




Definitely, it’s super nice that we have these options!


I'm with you on this one! When I first started with Linux as my main desktop OS around 2007, I had a phase customizing Openbox, Cinnamon, XFCE, and KDE. Since switching to Fedora around release 28, I'm quite happy to just leave it. It's great - install, and then get to work.


Yeah, nowadays, the defaults are good enough that someone who isn’t interested in tweaking everything can just start working right away!