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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well! Here is episode 23 of your weekly patroncast!

This time, I talk about:

- My opinion on using Crypto currencies as a savings account (in short, DON'T)

- The podcast wars that are brewing: Now that Apple announced that people will be able to subscribe with real money to various podcasts, everyone is going to be doing it, and this might spell the doom of many third party clients

- The JingPad A1, and how I'm probably going to get scammed out of my money by this amazing looking tablet


And, as a side note, an open question that you'll have to listen to discover :)

I hope you enjoy the podcast,



Emil Johansen

If the lawsuit succeeds, we can expect to see significant price hikes on stuff like digital movie licensing. The fruit company and others are able to sell access at current prices exactly because they promise the publishers online DRM. For a clear illustration, check out digital book stores like iBooks. I usually buy DRM free books from Tor publishing and their titles tend to also be available in DRM’ed form from other publishers - at a not insignificant discount.


Great podcast. You're kinda wrong about crypto though. Crypto is a better investment than stocks because it's not regulated. I've made so much freaking money on crypto. As for this past week's situation caused by that stupid meme coin dogecoin, things like this happen all the time no matter what you invest in. Thankfully for me, I moved my money out before this crash happened because I saw it a mile away. The people who lost money here are the same people who shouldn't be in this market anyway because they invest in stupid meme coins and they don't take money seriously. They're the essentially same types of people who fall for GameStop trolls on Reddit. Becoming rich on investments is easy so long as you pay attention to the market and understand international relations according to your investments. It's only a gamble if you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. In which case, I agree. Do not invest your life savings. On the topic of paid podcast, I think this will fail. Especially for Spotify. After Joe Rogan moved to Spotify, noone's listening anymore. Even as a premium member, you have to sit through ads and the navigation is just horrible. Besides. There are plenty of free podcasts out there as well as content on YouTube. So why would anyone pay for that? The reason that Patreon podcasts work is because those people already gained an audience on YouTube or whatever platform they come from. So this is a bad idea, I think. As for your last topic. I had an apple account with lots of movies and tv shows. I got locked out after typing my password wrong a few times. And now because the email attached doesn't exist anymore and because all that content is DRM protected so I couldn't download any of it, it's all gone. I think DRM should be outlawed when it comes to stuff you purchase. Because people lose accounts and licenses run out. If I buy a movie on Amazon Prime and that company's license with Amazon runs out, I no longer has access to the movie that they said I own. This should be illegal. Because it's essentially the same as if someone came into my home and stole my physical DVD and Blu-Ray collection. That's what these companies are doing, and they should be held accountable for this. I can't believe people are okay with this. It's mind blowing.


On the contrary, we agree totally on crypto: « regular » people shouldn’t touch it as a savings account, only people who really want to watch this space and know what they’re doing should put their money in it, knowing fully that it’s not an investment, it’s a gamble :) The fact that it’s unregulated makes it super dangerous for the average joe that won’t be checking it every 4 hours :)