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Hey everyone!

In this one, we have:

  • 00:05 GNOME delivers big improvement in 46.1


  • 02:07 The EU finds Facebook not compliant with GDPR


  • 05:04 The US really wants a TikTok ban


Have a nice day!




Okay EU needs to back off a bit. If you can't pay don't use it. Nothing is free, and they chost money. Either of you pay with money or with your data. Facebook is not something people need to live. It's not water or electricity. It's a luxury.


The issue isn't really that people need it, or that it's paid for. It's that the service either asks you to pay, or if you don't, you can use it, but then the service is infringing on EU citizen's privacy rights :) if Facebook wants to make a paid service without ads, they have every right to, even in the EU. The issue here is that the free service should also give people a choice on data collection. It will have ads, but people will have a choice to have targeted ads, or non targeted ads (just like on any other platform: for example, Youtube premium is paid for, and you don't get ads, and the free service lets you disable the use of your data for targeted ads).


I totally agree that banning Tiktok entirely is a blunt solution that could have a lot of negative side effects, but more than anything I'm just happily surprised that the two US parties were able to agree on something 😅.