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This is the first episode of a podcast in a long time that I noped out of listening to in a long time.


Steve "Crocodile" Fitch on Mike Tyson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiZDqDuMwYg&ab_channel=ESNEWS

Sean RD

Im tempted to commission a picture of Garfield looking cat (to avoid cr or tm infringement) with a big beard lying ass up with a tube up his ass and an old timey bellows style pump on the other side. And then have Boofing Bellows at the top in balloon print. For like a shirt design. The question is if I do will Joe sell the shirt in the store?


Fucking awesome. Also, how dare you—Huel is, if such a thing were to exist, the least shitty meal replacement product. I mean, at least it’s not Soylent?! I’m a vegetarian and my schedule is so fucked up that I’ve tried—and repeatedly failed—to cook. So for 1 or 2 meals most days, I do Huel. I mix it with coffee, and it keeps me alive. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hark a Vagrant did a comic ages ago, on topic: http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=134

Mitch Guerrerio

The Patreon is above $12k… you need to butt-chug now