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First of all, lucky you for escaping that hell site. But secondly, the LLBD's entire Patreon (minus operating costs) has been donated to the Heyva Sor (the Kurdish Red Crescent). 

If you have not been following the news the Turkish military is poised to invade Rojava, where they mean to slaughter its Kurdish population and force Arab refugees who fled the Civil War to move into their place. They did this in Afrin, so their plans are very clear.

We will be doing all we can to give our funds to agencies that will help alleviate some of the suffering from the coming humanitarian crisis that will almost certain result. If you support the show, you have already donated, but if you would like to give more follow this link:




What the fuck ever happened to people viewing genocide as a crime. Our government steps away and makes the crime easier. Fucking Trump is a disgrace.

K. D. Campbell

Gave a little extra through the link. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised we’re fucking over the Kurds again, but, even this is beyond the fucking pale.