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I hope everyone has been enjoying the recent bonus content as well as the Questions from the Legion. Feel free to drop us suggestions or questions on here or on the twitter account. 



how long until the podcast gold rush pops like lowtaxs spine

K. D. Campbell

In the spirit of “The War Of Jenkin’s Ear”, which body part would you go to war over, and who would it belong to?


I would argue it already is with corporations muscling in and platforms like Spotify sponsoring their own content. It is only a matter of time before they kick all non affiliated shows off of their platforms to centralize profits.


Whats up with Episode 1? On iTunes/IOS Podcast app, the earliest available episode is #2 (Haig) Was there a reason it wasn't uploaded, or am I just missing something?


We we first launched we used a different host, during the transfer that episode never made it for some reason. It was an episode on Luigi Cadorna, one of my favorite fuck ups of all time. I plan on revising him for another episode in our newer, much better, format.

Asha Quinn

Do you have any plans to to more ancient battles, like Hannibal’s invasion of Italy or is it too hard to get reliable info to be accurate about them?


Have y'all considered looking into the insanity that was the Second Boer War? There was the first use of concentration camps on a systematic national scale, evil bastards like Captain Alfred Taylor, and the war crime trial of Henry "Breaker" Morant, one of the first of it's kind in military history.