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Chapter 158 - 32 Gaw: Aftermath

Rathos glances back at the enemy while his army retreats.. He studies them, watching for movement or reaction. But, as he reaches the hill, he finds that the enemy is, as expected, not following. So far, his predictions have been accurate. He crosses the large hill with his army and reaches the...



That last touch 👌 Three naked men playing cards in front of a smoking gun widow: 😂.


To reach the goal you need more to offer and that's the cold truth. The only reason you have this much now with so limited a selection is the amazing quality of this story. It's amazing but other not as good but decent stories offer 20 chaps for same price or 30 for 10. No matter how good this is and it's good, my favourite really you just can't beat it with what you got


Currently, I work 5-6 days a week full time in my day job. Writing more would be possible if I were to quit, but I cant quit yet, otherwise I would not be able to support myself. This is why I have two goals. The first is so I can lower my hours so I can produce more content. The second goal would allow me to completely quit my day job and just write for a living. I also really really don't want to lower quality for quantity.