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My editors are mean. Damn them and there logic. Stupid logical poopoo. 

*Author Continues Whining*


Chapter 157 - 31 Gaw: Tactics of War Part 1

"[General], if you don't mind me asking, why are you refusing to field the wyverns? I would think them useful in any army." Rathos allows his eyes to move away from the enemy army. He looks at the level 121 [Strategist Captain] with a contemplative look. "It takes a decade for a full-grown Wyv...


Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Quasi should know about modern warfare. The wyverns could be used as bombers and the simplest bomb are lazyboys. Some of the smallest were not much bigger than a bullet and at terminal velocity 450 meters up they hit with the power of a 45 caliber.