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Full link episode 3. https://youtu.be/_dsK77MF7dc

Full link episode 4. https://youtu.be/RFQUwKNDFos



Jan Pospisil

"Polack" in this context means a Polish American person. You did notice a lot of long European sounding names - Prezbylewski, Krawczyk, Valchek, Sobotka (though Sobotka to me at least sounds more Czech than Polish) etc. - there are many Polish American families near the docks.


Adding onto this, 'cuz Mary asked- it *is* a derogatory term. Growing up in Detroit, everybody that wasn't Polish had a million "Polack jokes". (Basically the same as blonde jokes, you think of an outlandishly stupid thing for a person to do and act like it's normal for a Pole to do it 🙄) I'm not sure if the Poles in Detroit cared much about these dumb jokes or not, they were busy enjoying paczki and kielbasa and pierogis and laughing at everyone that was too dumb to eat Polish food 😁 ...dangit, now I want some of my step-mom's pierogis

Tyrone Tyrone

Episode 3 Stringer and Donette...Okay I think we've got it.😄