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Full link: https://youtu.be/rMtwuHa4JlI

Haha OKAY this was scarier than I anticipated, great to not want to fall asleep ever again :D.



Jeffrey Miller

I don't think I've seen you so uncomfortable during a reaction before, and I have to admit I feel a little bad for enjoying it so much.

Don Mayhem

This movie was scary when I was little, but it's not scary anymore and I was watching this after midnight. I still liked rewatching it again after however many years I last watched this. They made Freddy Kruger more comedic later on during the years. Maybe I became more used to that. I was making jokes through out the movie like when Nancy is grilling Glen on falling asleep, I was like "damn Amber Heard... I mean Nancy" lol. The part when Nancy says she looked 20, I think that was more of an inside joke because there were a lot of movies with older adults playing teens. The actor who played the sleep doctor, he later did the voice of Roger Rabbit in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. They had three different endings for the movie and they ended up putting all three: the mom getting sucked into the glass window on the door, everyone trapped in the car, and the little girl jump roping.

Ski Patrol Kevin

Young Frankenstein is a Mel Brooks comedy. It's not the least bit scary but it fits Halloween.