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Full link: https://youtu.be/cA9YsSC-xVU


And what an interesting one to start of the month with :D what a twist!

(For the Breaking Bad lovers, no worries, we return back on thursday).



Carlos Hurtado

I love how an hour and 20min in Mary was all like "this movie took a twist" and the actual twist at the end was just there waiting for her.

Tyler Foster

Haley Joel Osment became one of the most famous child actors in the world for a brief period after The Sixth Sense. He went on to star in Steven Spielberg's A.I.: Artificial Intelligence and Secondhand Lions before taking a break, and now does a fair amount of comedy TV. His mother was played by Toni Collette, who you saw in Knives Out. She was only 26 when she made this film, which is just crazy to me, because she gives an incredible performance. Her line in the climax, "'Do I make her proud?'" never fails to make me tear up. Writer/director M. Night Shyamalan also became a phenomenon based on the runaway success of this movie. He has a cameo in this movie as the doctor that questions Cole's mom about his scratches, and has cameos in all of his movies. It is very dark at times, but I think you would enjoy his follow-up to this, Unbreakable, which reunites him with Bruce Willis -- I think it's his best movie, and I imagine you can go into that one even more blind than you went into this one (I'm looking at other commenters sternly when I say this). There are many clues setting up the movie's big twist, but one of the funnier ones (perhaps unintentional?) is when Cole tells Dr. Crowe to "throw in some twists and stuff" when telling him a bedtime story.

David Bennett

well, Mari, I must say that THIS might be MY personal favorite reaction of yours SO FAR. I really love the fact that you weren't aware of the twist ending AND that it was SO impactful for you. For the record, I have never met someone yet who figured this movie out part way through on their first watch. I don't know if you recognized the actor who played Vincent, but it was the same fellar who played Carwood Lipton in Band of BrothersYou have a beautiful, sensitive soul, Mari and this film seemed all the more poignant because of it. The Village is another sham-a-lama-ding-dong film which some people didn't like as well. I thought it was pretty good even if it didn't attain the same power as The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable. I would recommend it to you. I saw Lady in the Water and I didn't think that one was particularly good. Thanks for being such a good person and being so sensitive to others. I really appreciate the way you listened so kindly to me complain excessively about my job today on your twitch stream. I endeavor to watch the sunday stream AND to be more positive about things.

Guy Gordon

It's actually worth watching a second time, but not quite for the part that you might think. Yes, the scenes with his wife hold up and are interesting when you know the context. But it's actually more interesting to pay attention to his scenes with Cole in that context, with Cole knowing he's a ghost. His running from him before their first scene. His caution in interacting with him. His asking Malcolm to make the other ghosts stop. The moment he says goodbye to him after the play at the end. It's interesting how those scenes play differently.

Don Mayhem

Another "wait for it" with Mary. "Woohoo he lived." Wait for it, "He's dead, omg." lol Yup, that was a shocker for me too. My mom figured it out before the reveal like I think before his wife dropped his rings and he realized he didn't have it on. That is a good twist. Malcolm helps the kid with his Sixth sense of seeing dead people and helping them cross over and that helped Malcolm also. You're right Mary, it wasn't just for thrillers and scares, it was a story of a man's love for his wife and a kid's gift that he doesn't want, but these unrested spirits need help. This was before those caught on tape paranormal videos on Youtube. Temperatures in the room dropping, catching whispers on audio that's not you, seeing somebody walk by, but there's no one there, etc. The director M. Night Shyamalan makes a cameo in the movie as the doctor talking t Cole's mom. Already in the Halloween mood. Hocus Pocus 1 and 2 reactions this month

Tiger Chu

Unbreakable is another good movie by M Night Shamalama Ding Dong with Bruce Willis


Did YT age restrict your Sixth Sense reaction by shutting off comments because there are kids in the movie? F-ing cheese dicks...


I think I must be in the minority on this one. I remember when I saw this film when it came out to rent. One of the rare occasions I watched a film with friends. They loved to chat through movies and I love to watch them. About 10ish minutes into the film, I jokingly said to the room "I bet.... (Insert the plot twist.) Then spent the following run time piecing the evidence together that backed up my insincere guess. I have never been more disappointed in a movie since. I wasn't very popular that evening. 🤣 Most of M. Night Shyamalan's films have given me the same level of dissatisfaction.

Bryan Tuck

It's great that you got to watch this without knowing anything about it. When you know there's a twist, you're much more likely to figure it out early. But I think this movie is more than its twist; it's a really well-told story as well. Another one you might like is THE CHANGELING from 1980 (not to be confused with CHANGELING from 2008 with Angelina Jolie, which is completely different). It's got a few jump scares, but it's also a pretty involving supernatural mystery. Also, there's THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE (2005), which is part supernatural horror, part courtroom drama. Might be a perfect combination of your own personal interests and the spooky season. :)


I was just as surprised at the end.


I love this movie. I can watch it again and again. It’s so beautifully acted. When it first came out, the idea of big twist endings was not very common. It had a much bigger impact on audiences. The whole theater I was in was shocked at the end. And, amazingly, no one talked about it because they didn’t dare ruin the movie for anyone. Most people never even mentioned that there was a twist ending. I think people who don’t know anything about it are still really surprised when they watch it now. But these days everyone is so used to big twists that they are constantly trying to guess what might be coming. It’s like a game to prove that you are smarter than other people by figuring it out first. It’s a shame because it detracts from enjoyment of a movie like this that has such a great story in every moment. To be supportive of your dislike of the gory jump-scare movies, you might want to check out — Interview with the Vampire The Witches of Eastwick Little Shop of Horrors


Though it was a small part, Haley Joel Osment was Tom Hanks’ son in “Forest Gump.” He was also the star of “Pay it Forward.”

Brian Jones

Also the color red, which is used throughout the film to signify when a ghost is near. The red balloon, the red doorknob, etc.... Sixth Sense is always a great watch the second time around to see the clues you missed along the way.

Brian Jones

Great reaction Mary, and happy to see you were never spoiled on the twist. This film came out at a time where twist endings weren't very common, so it sort of took the world by storm. As others have mentioned, Signs is a another great M Night movie, and Unbreakable is probably his best film to date. I also saw Juley mention Interview with the Vampire, which really should go on your list immediately. How can you turn down a vampire film with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise? :) As with most films based on a novel, the book is MILES better, but the film was really good as well. So much so that it changed the authors mind. She was initially against Tom Cruise playing the Lestat character.

samuel Jakob

To be fair, even if you know nothing and dont expect a twist, the movie is telling you whats up like every scene Malcom is in, and Cole himselfs pretty much tells the audience whats going on when he talks to him in the hospital.