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Full link to episode 1: https://youtu.be/cAkxpYtSVD8

Full link to episode 2: https://youtu.be/StORydlapRI

So apparently this was actually planned to be the finale of season one. Which I totally understand because wow, what a start! 



Carlos Hurtado

So excited for you to continue this journey.


We’re back!!

Tony Williams

Alright, back to the best show ever.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowrider It's a car modding thing

Jack the Narrator

Season 2 is my favorite of the series. The cold opens for each episode this season gave me serious chills all over. In case you missed it last time, I thought I'd share these with you all: https://youtu.be/96-3VUxfNKc and this as well https://youtu.be/NImKxQLlQXY


A Lojack (that's on Jesse's car in ep 2) is an anti-theft system that's installed in a vehicle, so if it gets stolen, its location can be tracked and the car can be recovered. That's how Hank was able to find Jesse and Walt's location at Tuco's place.

TinCan Cosmanaut

The filmography is amazing. They use the low rider car as Tuco's heart beat, as he's dying so does the car slowly stop pumping/bouncing up and down. There is so so much of these easter eggs in this series that go unnoticed. Especially by me until someone points it out. I have the benefit of a rewatch


So good. DING!

Don Mayhem

I guess I don't watch S2 e1 that often. There were just some stuff I don't remember and also a refresher. Mary, You think Tuco is scary, enter Hector Salamanca. Just wait till you meet the other Salamanca family members. A psycho cartel family. Better Call Saul is coming to an end, but we fans get to rewatch with someone who is watching it for the first time. We get reminded of our first time seeing these episodes. Especially the black and white scenes at the beginning of this season

Don Mayhem

You should do at least two episodes if not three. It's that exciting. Rewatching this answered for me how Hank found Jesse or even knew to look for Jesse. Not sure how long they originally wanted the Tuco character on the show, but the main reason he was killed off so soon is because the actor Raymond Cruz who plays Tuco was already doing another tv show at the time.


No, Raymond Cruz asked to be killed off because he didn't know what else to do with the character. Tuco is a hard mindset to get into and to understand.


I find new ones I haven't noticed every time I rewatch. Even this episode there were several things foreshadowing stuff that's in the very last season. I would explain them here but it would be spoiler heavy. Either way the symbolic filmmaking in this show is better than any other show I have seen.


This is kind of a spoiler-y comment. I think it's better to let her experience it naturally without being like, "oh you think this is crazy, just wait until this person comes along or this plot line." This show heavily revolves around building characters and plot lines subtly and organically, and it kind of ruins it if you warn her about specific characters and factors of the show. Just my two cents.

Michael Short

Episode 2 of this season is my least favourite episode of the entire series.