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Full link: https://youtu.be/YjmbOVdasAw

HAPPY NEW YEAR! ^^ Thank you for all the support you have given me in the past year. It means more to me than a post can express. The past year I've gone through some rough patches and having a consistent channel with people showing up, commenting and hanging out gave me enough drive to keep doing what I was doing.

I hope 2022 brings you all the things you wish for ⭐


Black Widow patreon


Amos T Fairchild

Well. Yes. The Hawkeye series is great. You might have a couple of other things first. I lost track.

David Lonewolf Wright

I think it is just What If...? and then Shang-Chi before the Hawkeye series. Wishing you a Happy New Year Mary!


Hey Mary, happy new Year to you and your fiance. Wish both of you all the best. Enjoy your Vacation. Next up is What if, then Shang-Chi, then Eternals, Hawkeye, Spider Man: No Way Home (best MCU Movie so far), Ms. Marvel, She Hulk. No comment about the Movie from me cause ii love Scarlett (wonderful Actress) and i love Natasha (great developed Character) the rest of my comment would ruin it. ;)

Don Mayhem

I love Yelena in this movie. Florence Pugh is perfect as her. I love her in Missommar. Another movie to add to the list. I'm more accepting of movies than other movies, but I can see why some people didn't get into Black Widow. I was hoping to see more batles between Natasha and Taskmaster and more fights and on the run from the other Black Widows. They had very little of that. I still like it. Taskmaster was always a different guy in the comics. A white guy and a black guy. A guy that never talked so I see how they wanted to take a chance on making Taskmaster a woman. Loki even mentions Dreykov daughter in The Avengers, but I thought he was saying that Natasha was Dreykov daughter. The movie does feel like an independent film on a100 million dollar budget with Natasha Romanoff in it. We may see Natasha again now that they're dealing with Multiple universes . A Natasha from another universe. Or maybe not after Scarlet Johansson's agency sued Disney

Jack the Narrator

If we are discussing upcoming MCU movie/series viewing, I strongly urge to skip WHAT IF entirely and watch the Netflix DAREDEVIL series instead. Followed by the original SPIDER-MAN Trilogy (2002 - 2007), the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN films from 2012 & 2014, and the two VENOM movies from 2018 & 2021. Trust me on this. 😉

David Olden

My sister and her husband lived and worked in Hungary. You should know that my sister speaks multiple languages, has a natural ear for dialect, and can speak any language *without an accent*. (She told me that this lead to encounters with locals asking her questions (like directions) and when she answered in Hungarian that she didn’t know Hungarian, *they didn’t believe her because she had no accent* (She eventually switched to English and declared “I DON’T SPEAK HUNGARIAN” and they went away). Anyway, when I asked her questions about “…Budapest…” she always interrupted and said, “It’s pronounced Budapesht”.

Marty McGee

Happy New Year Mary! Just wanted to say I've enjoyed your reactions this year. I just started watching reaction channels during the pandemic and yours is one of the few I've stuck with. You do a good job of not trying to force a comment just to talk about the scene. If you've got something to say, you say it, but you don't talk incessantly over the film or series. It's very natural. Sorry you've had some personal issues this year. I have type 2 diabetes as well, but luckily it's under control through medication and diet. It took a while to stabilize it though after my initial diagnosis a few years ago. Hopefully you can find what works for you as well. Looking forward to 2022 and all the new reactions! I know you're taking some time this month. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Mr. Writhms

Before seeing "Spider-Man No Way Home" I would suggest seeing the earlier Sony Pictures Spider-Man movies.

Richard Maurer

Do NOT skip What If?, It's a fun series and may have relevance to the new Dr. Strange movie. Trust me on this.

Thomas Yanez

That's a lot to watch just to prepare for one MCU movie. But, I've seen reactors do the whole X-Men series just for Deadpool and I cannot argue with the commitment, and in both cases, it does pay off.


Both spiderman franchises (Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield), before No way home. I also recommend daredevil (the netflix series, not the film), before you watch Hawkeye/no way home.

Kalle-Tapani Isomaa

I really recommend watching previous Spider-Man movies before No Way Home if you haven't seen them. Both Raimi and Webb. Also you better watch at least one season of Daredevil (netflix series, but it is now on Disney+) before Hawkeye and No Way Home.