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04 02 21 Mary Message


James Hawkins

I just found the "Message from Mary" section so did not know about Bernini. I just want to say how sorry I am. I know how hard it was for me when I had to make that loving decision.


I'm new here and just happened to pass through these videos recently and I needed to say this... I want to say how very sorry I am for your loss Mary. I hate to see you like this. I was given a little dog in my youth and was so dearly attached to it. I didn't have any friends at the time so I did everything with her, together for years...she was like my little child and so when she got sick and passed away I felt was so heartbroken and thought that was it for me. Life without my beloved pet was unthinkable. I know what your going through and as a friend, I really wished I could have been there for you. I know you made Bernini a very happy cat while she was with you Mary ... Once again, I'm so sorry .