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With everything going on, virusses, exams, important moral issues in the world, platforms imploding.... one would almost forget why I started with this bloggy style thing. 

Anyway, I want to get back on track. I miss 'normality' and although life isn't close to normal yet, there are things that I can start doing normally again, and I really want to.

When I started this weight loss journey I was on a rooooolllll (with my rollllsss). I went to the gym consistently, watched my food intake, etc. In a manageable, yet determined way. Then gyms closed and I really struggled to adapt. In a way I managed to  not eat too much (which surprised me too). So the weight kept going off. 



Exams are always my weak point because... well nobody can do it all. I actively try to be suuuuperdisciplined to study many hours, but it comes at the cost that I give myself the freedom to at least snack whenever I want. I feel like during that time I gained a bit, but not too much. The big issue is that during that time I fell in love again with sugars and fats.

And this is kinda where I'm at right now. The gyms are open again, so from now on I'm gonna try to go consistently again. The biggest struggle will be the love for snacks and honestly... a lack of motivation. When I started I couldn't look in the mirror, I thought about being fat all day long, etc. Now, although I'm not at my goal weight, I don't HATE my body like I did a few months ago. Also, verrrryyy weirdly, I feel like I can't do it? I already lost 2/3th of what I want to lose, so why do I not believe that I can do it? Who knows.

What I know is that last time this Patreon blogging thing really helped, because it kept me accountable. I wanted to do this well and I wanted to report good news, so therefore I tried to be strong. So that's what we're gonna do again :). Whoot!

Weight now: 73,1kg.
Goal by the end of the month: 72,5kg.
I like to try 0.3 kg per week and YES the first week I'm gonna skip because we're going away for a weekend with friends so I'll be having some snacks and drinks :) :) :) :) :).

Thanks for reading along if you made it to the end!




I know you will be able to achieve your goal. You are a lot more disciplined than I could ever be.