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Can I start with saying how weird the word 'Wednesday' looks. Anyway, after my first posts I got a major self-doubt moment and was scared to post more about my whole 'health journey' on Patreon. I feel like I finally got myself together and am confident enough to share this with you again. In a way it keeps me motivated because I want to share good results, and if they aren't good, I know this group of people will always be supportive. SO HERE WE GO.

"The sory of 4 Wednesdays" is a small theme I set up for myself. From Wednesday 4th of March until Wednesday 25th of March I want to count calories and excercise regularly. Every Wednesday I see as a little 'goal' moment, to avoid that I get sad when my scale goes up a day or two. 

For this challenge I use the app Myfitnesspal. I set my movent to 'very low' (since at work/study/stream I sit all day) and for weight loss goal I choose 'very slow'. My whole thinking process is: I have time, there is no reason to rush, I want to loose a bit of weight slowly, so I can maintain the lifestyle. That gave me a calorie count which would match a 0.2 kg loss per week. 

My March goal would be to lose 0.8 kg by 25th of March. 

Wednesday 1.  80.3 kg. (start number). 

Wednesday 2. 79.5 kg.  

SOOOOOOOOO it's actually going pretty great :'). First of all, I hit my goal for the month in a week. Which actually makes me aware of HOW freaking unhealthy I was living the past few months. I'm talking about multiple sugared coffees/coca cola's a day, chocolate bread in the morning (every day!), etc. I feel like setting the bar really low for myself, is making me motivated as hell right now, since I feel like I don't need to change to much in my lifestyle. 

I am not going to change my goal yet, because if a MacDonalds day happens, I don't want to lose motivation. After these 4 Wednesdays I'll see where I am at and then decide what seems to be a reasonable 'average per week'. So far I'm not changing any habits, since what I am doing, seems to be working, and I feel no rush to loose tons of weight quick. My goal is to be more confident in my body, not to be a model.

 I have the bad habit of wanting to write a whole essay at once, instead of making multiple posts. So I have a few post ideas ready. In next updates I'll let you know what changes I made from a day to day basis and how the big Corona breakout in Belgium is affecting this process for me.   

I hope you all have splendid days!  




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