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Full link. https://youtu.be/i3LpYXffIPY



Mark D

I loved this story. I was disappointed that the director excluded the most mind blowing (IMHO) revelation of Carl Sagan's book. (Book spoiler) The alien told Ellie to look into pi (π). Ellie subesquently tasked a super computer to run a continuous calculation of pi (π). Later, Ellie receives a notice of the result. There is another message in (π)😱

Jack the Narrator

If it had that ending, audiences would have likely assumed it was setting itself up for a sequel.


Just a little fact about the chances if we are alone. We have over 100 billion Stars and over a 100 billion Planets in our Milky Way. Our Galaxy is nothing special, not big nor small, its a good sized medium Galaxy. For example the biggest Galaxy in our local Group is Andromeda and its around double the size of our Milky Way. Newest estimations for the observable Universe is around 2 trillion Galaxies and in regards to the expansion of our Uinverse our guess is that we have up to 150 trillion Galaxies in the non-observable Universe. To think we are alone is midly spoken pure ignorance/arrogance or more direct pure stupidity. It wouldnt surprise me if we find life in our Solar System in the next 20-30 years. In fact, there’s already plenty of evidence that several moons of Jupiter and Saturn may possess environments that are suitable for at least primitive life, like Enceladus or Titan. The biggest problem would be our reaction to find it. Humanity cant accept and tolerate each other. Imagine the panic, hysteria and fear if they get told we are nothing special.