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Edited link: https://youtu.be/ZMTnr-IhtF0




Wow! This is awesome! I had no idea you were even watching this show!


since you mentioned the 2003 run of this show: back in 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist was being produced at the same time as the manga (basically comics) and usually anime is close to a 1:1 adaptation of mangas however the 2003 run caught up to the manga and -I think- the manga was going on a hiatus, so instead of stopping mid-production the studio went ahead and made up their own version of the story going forward, then in 2009 was Brotherhood (the one you're watching) which is basically a remake following the manga this time around. if you watch the 2003 one you'll notice that it follows the same stuff as this one for a little while


Just for the sake of noting it, I would also say that the '03 show took its time a bit more and included more filler to build up the early characters, especially Mustang's retinue and Hughes. There aren't major changes in portrayal (that I remember) for the most part, it's more time spent with them- the events here in Episode 10 of Brotherhood don't hit until Episode 25 of the '03 run, for example.