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Questions for Ask Puz n Pals #61 - 64 go here!

Remember you have to be a paying $10 tier patron to have your questions considered!

NOTE: You can ask up to four questions, but patrons are limited to one answered question per month (if chosen)!




Nightshade: Where do you see your self in five years? Olivia: What is the one thing you won't do sexual? Diamond and Puzzle where is the craziest place you had sex. Gabby: Why do you like Olivia?


Dia: Does Puzzle belly dance and do you have her perform? Nightshade: Haven't seen much of you around, the dom business doing that well? Sebastian: Your expert opinion of the Vive. Olivia: Ever had relations with hyenas?


To all: Who is the Best in kitchen?


Di and Nightshade; which of you can go the longest in the bedroom without climaxing?


Anyone: If the square root of the hypotenuse is equal to the other two sides then what is the diameter of the circumference when X=Y-A but then is X+A=Y?


Gabby what are your true feelings towards Olivia?


To all: Which Game of Thrones House do you support?


Glitter: How do you get Di and Nightshade to act like professionals at work? I would assume their feud would not be best for business.


Puzzle: Did you enjoy doing that photo shoot of Bedroom Eyes with Di and what happened after the shoot was done?

Tyro Thunderdrone

Hey Diamond, as a gamer, what is your take on the direction VR is going?


You're asking the girls that? Since when is girls having long staying power a good thing? XD


To Seb and Pat, you've already had a size contest, so how about timing? Who can please the ladies longer?


To Pat and Puz, when's the last time you spoke to your parents? And yes, this question is heading exactly where you think it is. lol


When the girls involved are dead set against each other and the competition they would have to out do each other will not only be funny but entertaining in a sexual fashion


To Puzzle, Is it Hard to find clothes your size? Where do you like to shop?


To Nightshade, what is your ideal perfect date?


To Puzzle, What type of munchies do you like to have for a midnight snack?


To Diamond, Have you ever been fully injured by Puzzles.. Er, 'Bustful Armament' before?


Olivia, it seems like you enjoy experimenting with your sex life. Have you ever done anything before and decided NEVER to venture up that alley again?


Nightshade, did Patrick ever say no to you? What was his punishment?


To Olivia: Even a very experienced lady such as yourself had a first time. How was it? Exotic and different or normal and vanilla?


To Everyone: Which one of you has that hobby or habit that you REALLY don't want anyone else to find out about? Trust me, I'm a shrink, your secret is safe with me ;)


Olivia: Who is the best male you've had sex with thus far?


To Olivia: I know you prefer not to wear clothes at all but if you had to, is there a favorite outfit you like to wear?


One for Diamond and Puzzle: how is the cat?


one for Pat and Puz: where you parents kid of lazy giving you two technically the same name?


Okay guys, that's plenty of questions. Thanks!