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Hey everyone! Thank you for yet another stellar month! I have a *LOT* going on this month so let's go over it.

I may or may not be out of town this month, as both my parents are having surgery. My dad is getting back surgery and my mom was diagnosed with cancer and is getting surgery and radiation treatment (thankfully they caught it super early so she should be fine). I wanted to visit them, but they live in different states and it would be a lot of travelling. They're insisting I wait until later, but we'll see.

I'm working on a backlog of Share and Share Alike pages, in case I will be out of town. We'll be halfway through the comic after this month.

I'm also going to be getting Londoners pages started up. Regardless if the webcomic site is ready or not, I will begin posting the webcomic here on patreon in June. I've been doing a lot of back-and-forth and I figured I should start small and make it a half-page comic for now. It might change over time, but I just need to get it out. Trying to make it a graphic novel-style comic from the get-go is too daunting for me at this time.

I'm going to try to get more Horsin' Around images done. I also have a few pinups/solo pics that are nearly ready to be finished. I'll try to stream them - hopefully my computer won't crash like it did last stream :P

Lastly, I'll be starting work on my Anthrocon table display stuff. Going to try drawing up the girls in 1920's flapper outfits, heh! :P

As always, thank you so much for your support. You guys keep me motivated and put coffee in my cup! <3



I hope things go well with your family and looking forward to the work you do. Obviously, family over work in my opinion.


All the best for your parents Kad and keep up the good work too! :3


Best wishes to your family, man.


Thanks! I normally don't talk about personal life stuff on here. But since I might be gone for a bit, I thought it best to say what's going on.


Thanks - for both of them, it's essentially best case scenarios. They're both getting outpatient surgeries too, so they should be okay!


best wishes for you family and don't stress yourself. I also hope that you would show us the 1920 Version of the girls mainly bc I cant make it to Anthroconv(it's a bit fare away form germany XD). Keep going the good work


Best wishes and best of luck to your family, Kad. I hope everything goes well.


Best of luck with the upcoming month

Vawkis Silverfall

A caffeinated Giraffe is a happy one, ask Karno, he'll shoot his mother before his first cup! After though, he'll let her try to talk him down X3 (I kid, he loves her but, always threaten to shoot people before his morning cup of sleep defrag) Don't stress about the art, sure it's bonus income but, family first man. Take care of your self and them. You're no good to your self or your family if you're stressed to the point of having a break down. We'll be here, and most of us will still support you

Kadath (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 15:15:26 Art is actually my sole income, so it makes travelling very difficult, since if I don't work, I don't get paid, heh. Thanks for the support! &lt;3
2016-05-05 16:59:56 Art is actually my sole income, so it makes travelling very difficult, since if I don't work, I don't get paid, heh. Thanks for the support! <3

Art is actually my sole income, so it makes travelling very difficult, since if I don't work, I don't get paid, heh. Thanks for the support! <3


New here to the Patron thingy, but wish you and your family all the best. Positive thoughts!